I have a Blazor project with a custom component library based on Radzen components. One of the Radzen components I am using is RadzenDataGrid and I would like to reduce the amount of code that is currently required as I am using the component in different projects and the base is always the same. I created a custom component to replace RadzenDataGridColumn:
@* DataGridColumn.razor *@
@typeperam TItem;
@inherits RadzenDataGridColumn<TItem<;
<RadzenDataGridColumn TItme="TItem">
@code {
[Parameter] public string MyTitle { get; set; }
[Parameter] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }
@* Index.razor *@
<DataGridColumn MyTitle="Test" TItem="MyDataType" Property="Name">
<Template Context="item">
But I get the following error:
Unrecognized child content inside component 'RadzenDataGridColumn'. The component 'RadzenDataGridColumn' accepts child content through the following top-level items: 'Columns', 'Template', 'EditTemplate', 'HeaderTemplate', ...
However, I cannot put <Template>
in DataGridColumn.razor
because I need to access Context.
Is there a way to cast the RenderFragment to type Template? Or to access Context inside the component?
I'm still fairly new to Blazor, so please forgive me, if this is a trivial question.
additonal answer using inheritance. It turns out to be very simple too, but it may depend on how the RadzenDataGridColumn handles null and defaults.
@* DataGridColumn.razor *@
@typeperam TItem
@inherits RadzenDataGridColumn<TItem>
@* no other markup here, just call the baseclass *@
@{ base.BuildRenderTree(__builder); }
@code {
[Parameter] public string MyTitle { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
// this can be made conditional with an if()
HeaderTemplate = @<h1>@MyTitle</h1>;
It's a pity but you will need base.BuildRenderTree(__builder);
, which is using a little behind-the-scenes magic.
You can avoid base.BuildRenderTree() by inheriting in a normal .cs file instead of .razor. But then you can't write RenderFragments like @<h1>@MyTitle</h1>
All parameters are inherited so the pages could still supply a HeaderTemplate. Simply overwrite it or do some logic with is null