
Solidworks dwg with bendlines, how do i merge these two codes?

I have these two codes (harvested on internet) that separately are doing great. But i need them to be one. My main objective is to generate only one file, and not two, as this code is retrieving; and with the same as my part.

This one is working great, both is actualy, but this is creating two dxf files and I only need one of them. Beside, it create using the "view name" i rather it to be the file name.


The next one doesnt works properly but it uses the file name, to name the new file. Macro to export Solidworks Part to dxf


  • Solution based on this code:


    Tested with one drawing that has already been saved and with only one view that is a flat-pattern view.

    To solve the question of having two files being saved replace this code:

    Sub ExportFlatPatternViews(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, sheet As SldWorks.sheet)
        Dim vViews As Variant
        vViews = sheet.GetViews()
        If Not IsEmpty(vViews) Then
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To UBound(vViews)
                Dim swView As SldWorks.view
                Set swView = vViews(i)
                If swView.IsFlatPatternView() Then
                    ExportFlatPatternView draw, swView
                End If
        End If    
    End Sub

    With this one:

        Sub ExportFlatPatternViews(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, sheet As SldWorks.sheet)
        Dim swView As SldWorks.view
        Set swView = draw.GetFirstView
        Set swView = swView.GetNextView
        While Not swView Is Nothing
            If swView.IsFlatPatternView Then
                ExportFlatPatternView draw, swView
             End If
             Set swView = swView.GetNextView
    End Sub

    For some reason the original code is getting the same view twice, but with different names. Would need some more time to check why.

    To save with filename change the code where filename is being assigned.

    'fileName = view.Name & OUT_EXT
    Dim saveDir As String
    saveDir = model.GetPathName()
    If saveDir = "" Then
        Err.Raise vbError, "", "Only saved drawings are supported"
    End If
    fileName = model.GetTitle & OUT_EXT

    Since the ModelDoc2 is as drawing file the ModelDoc2.GetTitle will return the file name and the sheet name.

    Edited to add code that removes the sheet name from the file name

    Tested with one drawing that has already been saved and with only one view that is a flat-pattern view.

    The following code will get the sheet name that contains the view

        Dim sheetName As String
        sheetName = view.sheet.GetName

    Now we can replace the sheet name by an empty string in the fileName

    Need to take in account that the GetTitle concatenates the file name and the sheet name with -, so we will replace that to.

        fileName = Replace(fileName, " - " & sheetName, "")

    So to make it work add code after the fileName is assigned:

        fileName = model.GetTitle & OUT_EXT
        'Code to add
        Dim sheetName As String
        sheetName = view.sheet.GetName
        fileName = Replace(fileName, " - " & sheetName, "")