
Is the package expo-firebase-recaptcha still working in 2024?

I need to implement the function signInWithPhoneNumber provided by the firebase SDK in my react native - expo application.

This function, requires a recaptcha validator, but, the official Firebase documentation does not provide any information about official packages or workarounds we can do in order to use the recaptcha validation in react native.

On the other hand, the package expo-firebase-recaptcha is not working, whenever I use this component:


The app throws an error saying that the package expo-firebase-recaptcha does not find the react-native-web-view package in the node-modules folder, but, when I install the react-native-web-view package the app does not even start in my phone.

I am using the command npx expo start for starting the app in the expo-go app.

[!NOTE] "If the app doesn't work with Expo Go, it's even less likely to work with npx expo run:android."

[!NOTE] I am using the 50.0.11 version of expo sdk


  • That library is no longer actively maintained. Expo has written a migration document for it to React Native Firebase.