
Laravel 9 report() with context

I would like to log context of exception as current data in some variables. But repost() handler which I use to log exceptions does not support context parameters. Is there any other way to do it?

try {  
   // process the points
} catch(\Throwable $e) {
   // I would like to log also some variable values
   return $this->sendJsonErrorWithCorrectStatusCode("Customer point subtraction failed.", [], 422);


  • Create a custom exception:

    class ContextualException extends \Exception {
        protected $context;
        public function __construct($message = "", $code = 0, Throwable $previous = null, $context = []) {
            parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
            $this->context = $context;
        public function getContext() {
            return $this->context;
    try {
        // If an error occurs
        throw new ContextualException("Error message", 0, null, ['variable' => $variableValue]);
    } catch (ContextualException $e) {
        // Access context data
        $context = $e->getContext();
        // Log context or do something with it
        return $this->sendJsonErrorWithCorrectStatusCode("Customer point subtraction failed.", [], 422);