
Unable to install wget on mac (mojave 10.14.6) result: Error: An exception occurred within a child process

I tried installing wget running this command line

brew install wget

The result:

Error: An exception occurred within a child process:
  CompilerSelectionError: libunistring cannot be built with any available compilers.
Install GNU's GCC:
  brew install gcc

I did that and then tried again, giving same error.

I also tried

sudo wget

and the result was

sudo: wget: command not found

which means wget was not installed. Can anyone recommend a solution?


  • It is requesting that you install "gcc", a collection of development tools and compilers compatible with Windows, Linux, and a host of other operating systems. Support for C, C++, and other languages is mostly included.

    brew install gcc 
    brew install wget

    If this is the only need, then it should work.