
NGINX and Django not in debug serving some static files and some no

I am experiencing some weird behaviour after switching off DEBUG on Django, behind NGINX reverse proxy.

I am testing it on a Armbian Linux with Python 3.7.3.

Django project has the inside the folder

folder configuration is

- /var/webserver/backend
  - backend
  - static
    - img (contains collected plus my logo and favicon)
    - admin (the collected admin files)

The NGINX configuration is as following (the static part, the rest is a reverse proxy with a self signed certificate):

location /static {
      autoindex on;
      autoindex_exact_size off;
      alias /var/webserver/backend/static;

The static part is as following, staticfiles app is in the APPS:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'

I run the command while in the /var/webserver/backend directory, nginx is ran as service.

I think I have tried all combinations of "slashes" both inside the NGINX configuration and (before, after, both, none)

This configuration is the nearest to work, the situation is the following:

I kept cache disabled on the browser to avoid non-reloaded pages.

I really can't get what's not working.

I tried changing the configuration any way, I tried installing WhiteNoise and put it in the Apps with no success. I tried changing "alias" with "root" inside the NGINX configuration and it went worse (also images went down)

Thanks anyone who will help, let me know if something else is needed.


  • There might be a several reasons why it is happening.

    1. Make sure you include mime types in your nginx conf file.
    location /static {
    1. Some people report that Whitenoise's storage backend doesn't work well in some cases. Try to change it to