
rqt_graph not working despite having the package

As the title mentioned, I'm trying to use rqt_graph to observe my nodes. However, it showed

rvl224@eervl224:~/brian2lee/gazebo/forklift_test$ rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
[rospack] Error: package 'rqt_graph' not found
rvl224@eervl224:~/brian2lee/gazebo/forklift_test$ rqt_graph

(The chinese part is rqt_graph: command not found) But there literally rqt-gui 0.5.3 & rqt-gui-py 0.5.3 in my pip list. Have no idea how to solve it. Just in case it's problem like package conflict here's the pip list.

Package                              Version             
------------------------------------ --------------------
actionlib                            1.14.0              
aiosignal                            1.2.0               
angles                               1.9.13              
apturl                               0.5.2               
aqtp                                 0.0.10              
argcomplete                          1.8.1               
astunparse                           1.6.3               
atomicwrites                         1.1.5               
attrs                                19.3.0              
bcrypt                               3.1.7               
blinker                              1.4                 
breezy                               3.0.2               
Brlapi                               0.7.0               
cached-property                      1.5.2               
camera-calibration-parsers           1.12.0              
catkin                               0.8.10              
catkin-pkg                           0.5.2               
catkin-pkg-modules                   0.5.2               
certifi                              2019.11.28          
chardet                              3.0.4               
charset-normalizer                   2.1.0               
chex                                 0.1.5               
chrome-gnome-shell                   0.0.0               
Click                                7.0                 
cloudpickle                          3.0.0               
clu                                  0.0.7               
colcon-argcomplete                   0.3.3               
colcon-bash                          0.5.0               
colcon-cd                            0.1.1               
colcon-cmake                         0.2.28              
colcon-common-extensions             0.3.0               
colcon-core                          0.15.0              
colcon-defaults                      0.2.8               
colcon-devtools                      0.2.4               
colcon-installed-package-information 0.1.0               
colcon-library-path                  0.2.1               
colcon-metadata                      0.2.5               
colcon-notification                  0.2.15              
colcon-output                        0.2.13              
colcon-override-check                0.0.1               
colcon-package-information           0.3.3               
colcon-package-selection             0.2.10              
colcon-parallel-executor             0.3.0               
colcon-pkg-config                    0.1.0               
colcon-powershell                    0.4.0               
colcon-python-setup-py               0.2.8               
colcon-recursive-crawl               0.2.3               
colcon-ros                           0.4.1               
colcon-test-result                   0.3.8               
colcon-zsh                           0.5.0               
colorama                             0.4.3               
command-not-found                    0.3                 
commonmark                           0.9.1               
configobj                            5.0.6               
configparser                         5.0.0               
contextlib2                          21.6.0              
contourpy                            1.0.5               
controller-manager                   0.19.6              
controller-manager-msgs              0.19.6              
cov-core                             1.15.0              
coverage                             4.5.2               
cryptography                         2.8                 
cupshelpers                          1.0                 
cv-bridge                            1.16.2              
dacite                               1.6.0               
dbus-python                          1.2.16              
decorator                            5.1.1               
defer                                1.0.6               
defusedxml                           0.6.0               
Deprecated                           1.2.7               
diagnostic-updater                   1.11.0              
distlib                              0.3.6               
distro                               1.4.0               
distro-info                          0.23ubuntu1         
dlib                                 19.24.0             
dm-tree                              0.1.7               
docker                               4.1.0               
docker-compose                       1.25.0              
dockerpty                            0.4.1               
docopt                               0.6.2               
docutils                             0.16                
dulwich                              0.19.15             
dynamic-reconfigure                  1.7.3               
einops                               0.5.0               
empy                                 3.3.2               
entrypoints                          0.3                 
etils                                0.8.0               
face-recognition                     1.3.0               
face-recognition-models              0.3.0               
Farama-Notifications                 0.0.4               
fasteners                            0.14.1              
fastimport                           0.9.8               
flatbuffers                          22.9.24             
flax                                 0.5.3               
flaxformer                           0.5.1               
fonttools                            4.37.4              
frozenlist                           1.3.1               
future                               0.18.2              
gast                                 0.3.3               
gazebo-plugins                       2.9.2               
gazebo-ros                           2.9.2               
gencpp                               0.7.0               
geneus                               3.0.0               
genlisp                              0.4.18              
genmsg                               0.6.0               
gennodejs                            2.0.2               
genpy                                0.6.15              
google-pasta                         0.2.0               
googleapis-common-protos             1.56.4              
gpg                                  1.13.1-unknown      
gymnasium                            0.29.1              
httplib2                             0.14.0              
huggingface-hub                      0.10.1              
idna                                 2.8                 
importlib-metadata                   5.0.0               
imutils                              0.5.4               
interactive-markers                  1.12.0              
jax                                  0.3.23              
jaxlib                               0.3.22              
joint-state-publisher                1.15.1              
joint-state-publisher-gui            1.15.1              
jsonschema                           3.2.0               
keras                                2.10.0              
Keras-Preprocessing                  1.1.2               
keyring                              18.0.1              
language-selector                    0.1                 
laser-geometry                       1.6.7               
launchpadlib                         1.10.13             
lazr.restfulclient                   0.14.2              
lazr.uri                             1.0.3               
libclang                             14.0.6              
line-bot-sdk                         2.3.0               
linecache2                           1.0.0               
lockfile                             0.12.2              
louis                                3.12.0              
lxml                                 4.9.1               
macaroonbakery                       1.3.1               
Mako                                 1.1.0               
MarkupSafe                           2.1.1               
message-filters                      1.16.0              
ml-collections                       0.1.1               
monotonic                            1.5                 
more-itertools                       4.2.0               
msgpack                              1.0.4               
multipledispatch                     1.0.0               
netifaces                            0.10.4              
nose                                 1.3.7               
nose2                                0.9.1               
notify2                              0.3                 
numpy                                1.23.4              
oauthlib                             3.1.0               
olefile                              0.46                
opt-einsum                           3.3.0               
optax                                0.1.3               
packaging                            20.3                
paramiko                             2.6.0               
pbr                                  5.4.5               
pexpect                              4.6.0               
Pillow                               9.3.0               
pip                                  20.0.2              
platformdirs                         3.1.1               
pluggy                               0.13.0              
promise                              2.3                 
protobuf                             3.6.1               
psutil                               5.5.1               
py                                   1.8.1               
pybind11                             2.4.3               
pycairo                              1.16.2              
pycryptodomex                        3.6.1               
pycups                               1.9.73              
PyGithub                             1.43.7              
Pygments                             2.3.1               
PyGObject                            3.36.0              
PyJWT                                1.7.1               
pymacaroons                          0.13.0              
PyNaCl                               1.3.0               
pyOpenSSL                            19.0.0              
pyparsing                            2.4.6               
PyQt5                                5.14.1              
pyRFC3339                            1.1                 
pyrr                                 0.10.3              
pyrsistent                           0.15.5              
pyserial                             3.5                 
pytest                               4.6.9               
pytest-cov                           2.8.1               
python-apt                           2.0.0+ubuntu0.20.4.7
python-dateutil                      2.7.3               
python-debian                        0.1.36ubuntu1       
python-gitlab                        2.0.1               
python-gnupg                         0.4.5               
python-qt-binding                    0.4.4               
pytz                                 2019.3              
pyxdg                                0.26                
PyYAML                               5.3.1               
pyzed                                3.7                 
qt-gui                               0.4.2               
qt-gui-cpp                           0.4.2               
reportlab                            3.5.34              
requests                             2.22.0              
requests-unixsocket                  0.2.0               
resource-retriever                   1.12.7              
roman                                2.0.0               
rosbag                               1.16.0              
rosboost-cfg                         1.15.8              
rosclean                             1.15.8              
roscreate                            1.15.8              
rosdep                               0.22.2              
rosdep-modules                       0.22.2              
rosdistro                            0.9.0               
rosdistro-modules                    0.9.0               
rosgraph                             1.16.0              
rosinstall                           0.7.8               
rosinstall-generator                 0.1.23              
roslaunch                            1.16.0              
roslib                               1.15.8              
roslz4                               1.16.0              
rosmake                              1.15.8              
rosmaster                            1.16.0              
rosmsg                               1.16.0              
rosnode                              1.16.0              
rosparam                             1.16.0              
rospkg                               1.5.0               
rospkg-modules                       1.5.0               
rospy                                1.16.0              
rosservice                           1.16.0              
rostest                              1.16.0              
rostopic                             1.16.0              
rosunit                              1.15.8              
roswtf                               1.16.0              
rqt-gui                              0.5.3               
rqt-gui-py                           0.5.3               
rviz                                 1.14.20             
scipy                                1.3.3               
screen-resolution-extra              0.0.0               
SecretStorage                        2.3.1               
sensor-msgs                          1.13.1              
setuptools                           59.5.0              
simplejson                           3.16.0              
sip                                  4.19.21             
six                                  1.16.0              
smclib                               1.8.6               
systemd-python                       234                 
tensorflow                           2.3.0               
tensorflow-cpu                       2.10.0              
tensorflow-datasets                  2.1.0               
tensorflow-estimator                 2.3.0               
tensorflow-hub                       0.12.0              
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem         0.27.0              
tensorflow-metadata                  1.10.0              
tensorflow-probability               0.18.0              
tensorflow-text                      2.10.0              
tensorstore                          0.1.27              
testresources                        2.0.0               
texttable                            1.6.2               
tf                                   1.13.2              
tf2-geometry-msgs                    0.7.6               
tf2-kdl                              0.7.6               
tf2-py                               0.7.6               
tf2-ros                              0.7.6               
toml                                 0.10.2              
toolz                                0.12.0              
topic-tools                          1.16.0              
torchaudio                           0.12.0+cu113        
torchvision                          0.7.0               
tqdm                                 4.64.1              
traceback2                           1.4.0               
typing-extensions                    4.7.1               
ubuntu-advantage-tools               27.9                
ubuntu-drivers-common                0.0.0               
ufw                                  0.36                
unattended-upgrades                  0.1                 
unittest2                            1.1.0               
urllib3                              1.25.8              
usb-creator                          0.3.7               
vcstool                              0.3.0               
vcstools                             0.1.42              
virtualenv                           20.21.0             
wadllib                              1.3.3               
wcwidth                              0.1.8               
websocket-client                     0.53.0              
wheel                                0.34.2              
wrapt                                1.11.2              
wstool                               0.1.18              
xacro                                1.14.16             
xkit                                 0.0.0               
zipp                                 1.0.0    


  • Some ideas what to check (or provide further information about):