I have a PointLight struct in C++
struct PointLight
glm::vec4 position; // 16 bytes
glm::vec4 color; // 16 bytes
float intensity; // 4 bytes rounded to 16 bytes?
float range; // 4 bytes rounded to 16 bytes?
usage in ssbo:
layout(std430, binding = 3) buffer lightSSBO
PointLight pointLight[];
Will the float elements be rounded up to 16 bytes due to the vec4s? Does std430 always round elements in an array to the size of the largest element?
Will I need to add padding to my struct to correctly access the variables?
struct PointLight
glm::vec4 position; // 16 bytes
glm::vec4 color; // 16 bytes
float intensity; // 4 bytes
float range; // 4 bytes
float padding[2]; // padding to make struct multiple of 16 bytes, because
// largest element vec4 is 16 bytes
// total 48 bytes
Yes. (see https://registry.khronos.org/OpenGL/specs/gl/glspec46.core.pdf#page=166&zoom=100,168,308) from rule 9 and 10 for std430
: If the member is an array of S structures, the base alignment of the structure is N, where
N is the largest base alignment value of any of its members.
In the case of std140
, this would be rounded up to the basic alignment of a vec4
. I case of std430
is is not rounded up. However, since the largest element in your case is a vec4
, this makes no difference in your case.