Git shows commits in the interactive-rebase todo list (produced by git rebase -i
) in the opposite of the usual order: the most ancestral commit (typically, the oldest commit) is shown first, not last.
Can I get it the other way around, for consistency with the usual sort order of git log
? That is, I'd like the todo list shown in the default sort order of git log
, and I'd like the todo list to still be understood by Git after I've edited it, without having to manually re-reverse it.
You can use a custom sequence.editor
git -c sequence.editor='tac "$1" > "$1.reverse" && "$(git config core.editor || echo "${GIT_EDITOR:-${EDITOR:-vi}}")" "$1.reverse" && tac "$1.reverse" > "$1"' rebase -i ...
It's easy to configure a reusable alias for that and use it:
git config alias.revbase "!git -c sequence.editor='tac \"\$1\" > \"\$1.reverse\" \
&& \"\$(git config core.editor || echo \"\${GIT_EDITOR:-${EDITOR:-vi}}\")\" \"\$1.reverse\" \
&& tac \"\$1.reverse\" > \"\$1\"' rebase -i"
git revbase @~10
Here's an approach that keeps the commented-out interactive-rebase hints on the bottom, and changes the line "top to bottom" to "bottom to top".
function gri {
local cmd='
grep -v "^#\|^\$" "$1" | tac >"$1.reverse" &&
grep "^#\|^\$" "$1" | sed "s/top to bottom/bottom to top/" >"$1.hints" &&
cat "$1.reverse" "$1.hints" >"$1.gri" &&
$EDITOR "$1.gri" &&
tac "$1.gri" >"$1"'
git -c sequence.editor="$cmd" rebase -i "$@"