I have a matrix which has 4 columns and 4 rows. But I am having a lot of troubles to put the numbers in the graph in an elegant way. Specifically, I want to have the numbers of the each part of the stacked bars to distinguish the percentages.
The matrix is this one, named as tabl
3.89 | 4.97 | 8.56 | 7.17 |
35.67 | 42.73 | 51.68 | 50.09 |
48.30 | 43.48 | 34.95 | 38.24 |
12.14 | 8.82 | 4.81 | 4.50 |
And my current code to plot it is
nombres_comp <- c("Tac. \n Urb",
"Ven. \n Urb",
"Tac. \n Game",
"Ven. \n Game")
main = NULL,
xlab = "(%)",
ylab = NULL,
axes = TRUE,
horiz = TRUE,
beside = FALSE,
names.arg = nombres_comp,
col = c("#487c82","#487c83",
"#81e0eb", "#b1ecf2")
y <- tabl
However, the output is putting the numbers in a strange place outside of the bars. I want them to be inside each place correctly identified in the barplot().
Also I would appreciate if someone beside solving this, could show me for completeness how to do this on ggplot2.
tabl <- as.matrix(read.table(text = "3.89 4.97 8.56 7.17
35.67 42.73 51.68 50.09
48.30 43.48 34.95 38.24
12.14 8.82 4.81 4.50", header = F))
nombres_comp <- c("Tac. \n Urb", "Ven. \n Urb",
"Tac. \n Game", "Ven. \n Game")
main = NULL, xlab = "(%)", ylab = NULL,
axes = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, beside = FALSE,
names.arg = nombres_comp,
col = c("#487c82", "#487c83", "#81e0eb", "#b1ecf2"))
y <- apply(tabl/2 + rbind(rep(0, ncol(tabl)) ,
head(apply(tabl, 2, cumsum), -1)),
1, as.numeric)
l <- as.character(apply(tabl, 1, as.character))
text(bp,x = y , labels= l)
Created on 2024-03-15 with reprex v2.0.2