
Find sibling of root page for current locale in Wagtail

My site's menu is created by selecting the root page's children:

def get_menuitems(context):
    site_root = Site.find_for_request(context["request"]).root_page
    menuitems = site_root.get_children().live().in_menu()
    return menuitems

But as the site is available in multiple languages, I need to find the localized sibling of the (English) root page to get a localized menu. How can I do that?


  • Solution was much simpler than expected:

    def get_menuitems(context):
        site_root = Site.find_for_request(context["request"]).root_page.localized
        menuitems = site_root.get_children().live().in_menu()
        return menuitems