
Distributed lock in Java Spring Boot

I have 2 instances of containers with scheduled task and I would like to protect against start the same task in every docker container. I decided to make distributed lock using SQL Server.

I added configuration

    public DefaultLockRepository DefaultLockRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
        return new DefaultLockRepository(dataSource);

    public JdbcLockRegistry jdbcLockRegistry(LockRepository lockRepository) {
        return new JdbcLockRegistry(lockRepository);

And I'm trying acquire the lock like this:

   public void doSomething() throws InterruptedException {
        boolean lockAcquired;
        var lock = lockRegistry.obtain("main");

        try {
            lockAcquired = lock.tryLock();
            if (lockAcquired == true) {
            } else {
      "Not locked");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            lockAcquired = false;
  "Not locked");



I started 2 instances of application with identical code. When I entered to method of first instance of application, lock has been acquired - and I've got "Locked" message - so it's ok

In database I saw the entry like this:

fad58de7-3664-35db-8650-cfefac2fcd61    DEFAULT c0314b87-0bee-4bdd-8567-a939fd21f0bf    2024-03-16 13:20:43.2559575I saw that in datatabase I've got new entry like this:

When I started second instance of application I expected to get message "Not locked", because lock has been acquired in first app which still running, but not - I've got log "Locked" again and my database entry has been updated to:

fad58de7-3664-35db-8650-cfefac2fcd61    DEFAULT ad58971d-c991-4709-a03b-9acb39a38c54    2024-03-16 13:24:42.3002365

So my distributed lock doesn't work.

What I'm doing wrong? How can I protect against execute scheduled task using distributed lock in many docker containers.


When I execute method in two instances in short time between (like less then 5 s) it works, but when I execute method in first instance and I'm trying execute it in second instance after 30s it doesn't work.


As Alex sugested it was a problem with TTL in DefaultLockRepository. The lock was set to default time 10 seconds. After the changes, the code now looks like this:

    public DefaultLockRepository DefaultLockRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
        var repo = new DefaultLockRepository(dataSource);
        repo.setTimeToLive(1000 * 100);
        return repo;

The lock is set to 100s and during the next 100s other service instance cannot lock the method.


  • I've used ShedLock successfully. Adding following to the pom.xml (or corresponding gradle)


    Then add the following to the main class or a configuration class (example in Kotlin but same concept for Java):

    @EnableSchedulerLock(defaultLockAtMostFor = "10m")
    class MainClass //...
        fun lockProvider(dataSource: DataSource): LockProvider {
            return JdbcTemplateLockProvider(dataSource)

    Then add the following annotation to the method:

    class NeedingLockService //...
    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000) // using it at a schedule interval in my case but not relevant for lock
    @SchedulerLock(name = "nameOfTheLock")
    fun dispatch() { // name doesn't matter

    In this kotlin example, the service will run every 5 second but only in one of the container/pod if you have multiple.


    1. There is no guaranties that it will run on a specific container/pod even though it usually does.
    2. The datasource obviously needs to be the same in all instances for it to work
    3. You need to create the needed table. Here is a liquibase file for it:
      - changeSet:
          id: 5
          author: Geoffrey
            - createTable:
                tableName: shedlock
                  - column:
                      name: name
                      type: varchar(64)
                        primaryKey: true
                        nullable: false
                  - column:
                      name: lock_until
                      type: timestamp
                        nullable: false
                  - column:
                      name: locked_at
                      type: timestamp
                      defaultValueComputed: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
                        nullable: false
                  - column:
                      name: locked_by
                      type: varchar(255)
                        nullable: false