I have a JenkinsFile where I am using emailext to send mail for the automation results:
def subject = "Jenkins Build ${currentBuild.currentResult}: Job ${env.JOB_NAME}"
def color = currentBuild.currentResult == 'FAILURE' ? 'red' : 'green'
emailext (
mimeType: 'text/html',
attachLog: true,
subject: subject,
<h3><font color='${color}'>${currentBuild.currentResult}: Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} </h3></font><br> More info at: ${env.BUILD_URL}<br><br>
Total test case: \${TEST_COUNTS,var="total"} <br>
Pass: \${TEST_COUNTS,var="pass"} <br>
Fail: \${TEST_COUNTS,var="fail"} <br>
\${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*Check out job at", showTruncatedLines="false",substText=" Access the test recording here:"}<br><br>
<p>Click the link below to view the report:</p><a href="${env.BUILD_URL}/QmateReport">View Report</a>
to: 'jyoti.singhal@xyz.com'
For this line \${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*Check out job at", showTruncatedLines="false",substText=" Access the test recording here:"}<br><br>
I am getting multiple matches and it's all coming in an unformatted way, in one line.
Is there a way to get those matched records in email in NextLine
This is the result we are getting in email.
I would like to see this in NextLine like
Access the Recording Here:
Access the Recording Here:
I tried to use the below two points
\${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*Check out job at", showTruncatedLines="false",substText=" Access the test recording here: \n"}<br><be>
\${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*Check out job at", showTruncatedLines="false",substText=" Access the test recording here:
But nothing is working.
macro has always supported a addNewline
attribute with a default value of true
since it was introduced in the token-macro-plugin 2.0-beta release. It should add a new line character at the end of each match by default.
If the provided solutions do not work I would request the following:
I would recommend trying two different solutions.
attribute to the BUILD_LOG_REGEX macroaddNewline="true"
and matchedLineHtmlStyle
attributes ( matchedLineHtmlStyle
allows you to provide inline CSS styling on expression matches )If these two solution's don't work you may be able to add a println()
directly after the code that prints Check out job at to your build log, then add linesAfter="1"
as an attribute to the BUILD_LOG_REGEX macro. However, I was not able to get this to work.
Additionally, I've had some luck wrapping BUILD_LOG_REGEX in <pre>
as follows <pre>\${BUILD_LOG_REGEX,....}</pre>
. You may also want to tinker with that. However, using the two attributes from solution 2 I can produce a well-formatted email that matches your requirement.
Since solution #2 is a superset of solution #1 I am not providing sample code for solution #1. Here is your code fitted with these recommended changes.
emailext (
mimeType: 'text/html',
attachLog: true,
subject: subject,
<h3><font color='${color}'>${currentBuild.currentResult}: Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} </font></h3><br> More info at: ${env.BUILD_URL}<br><br>
Total test case: \${TEST_COUNTS,var="total"} <br>
Pass: \${TEST_COUNTS,var="pass"} <br>
Fail: \${TEST_COUNTS,var="fail"} <br>
\${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*Check out job at", showTruncatedLines="false", matchedLineHtmlStyle="margin-bottom: 1em; display: inline-block;", addNewline="true", substText=" Access the test recording here:"}<br><br>
<p>Click the link below to view the report:</p><a href="${env.BUILD_URL}/QmateReport">View Report</a>
to: 'jyoti.singhal@xyz.com'
Here is the large pipeline I wrote to simulate your “environment”. Notably, I could not replicate your problem except by setting addNewline=“false”
so here I am explicitly setting it to true. Additionally I broke some of your tokens because they don't exist in my system.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('release app0') {
steps {
script {
def output = sh(script: 'echo Check out job at random1 enADFASDFASDFGASd ASDFGASDGASGASDFGASDFG ASDFASDFAFA ASDFASDFA ASDFASDF ASDFASDFASDF ASDFASDFAS ', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo output
stage('release app1') {
steps {
script {
def output = sh(script: 'echo Check out job at random2 end KEJHAIDFA 349MQRG90U 1T9 QUER9GQ34TU 9034UT02U 34T', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo output
stage('release app2') {
steps {
script {
def output = sh(script: 'echo Check out job at random3 end 0U4 U13TU 1349-TU -134UTU 134TU134T-134TU-1-34TU-134 UT-1', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo output
stage('release app3') {
steps {
script {
def output = sh(script: 'echo Check out job at random4 end 903U90 349 U340U 909 39034 T034U030403040 34 4', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo output
stage('release app4') {
steps {
script {
def output = sh(script: 'echo Check out job at random5 end 490U39434T0 - V 4U-34U- 34 34-U-', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo output
post {
success {
emailext (
mimeType: 'text/html',
subject: "asdf",
<h3><font color='#ff0000'>${currentBuild.currentResult}: Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}</font></h3> <br> More info at: ${env.BUILD_URL}<br><br>
Total test case: {TEST_COUNTS,var="total"} <br>
Pass: {TEST_COUNTS,var="pass"} <br>
Fail: {TEST_COUNTS,var="fail"} <br>
\${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*Check out job at", showTruncatedLines="false", matchedLineHtmlStyle="margin-bottom: 1em; display: inline-block;", addNewline="true", substText=" Access the test recording here:"}<br><br>
<p>Click the link below to view the report:</p><a href="${env.BUILD_URL}/QmateReport">View Report</a>
to: 'me@me.edu'
The resulting email looks like the following for me:
The reason you see line duplication is due my test script ( it's grabbing the echo command and the stdout ). Yours won't do that assuming the string is produced by the output of a command that does not contain the string itself.