I am trying to send an adaptive card into a teams chat from a Razor application by utilising the Graph API SDK.
I can see documentation to send the card listed on the Microsoft docs here. No dramas.
I want to send a card with one button "Acknowledge". When the user clicks acknowledge, I want to send a response back to my application to say the user has clicked this button. Is this possible? I can't find any documentation anywhere. Is anyone able to link me some documentation, tell me if this is possible, or provide another solution?
Yes, as you've linked, it's possible to send the card message itself via Graph, but you're limited in terms of how to deal with the response, especially in a "web app" scenario. If you're ok with them clicking a button that loads your web page in a browser, then you can simply use a "Open Url" type of card action button (see here for more: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/cards-actions?tabs=json). If you want the button to perform an action within Teams though, then you need to use a bot behind the scenes. You can consider the "Flow" bot, as part of a Power Automate workflow, or you can build your own bot to receive the message and take the relevant action. Both of these are broader topics than I can dive into here but you can see for instance https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-automate/create-adaptive-cards and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/conversations/command-bot-in-teams?tabs=jsts1%2Cjs%2Cjsts2