I have a simple 2DOF planar robot with this configuration:
L1 and L2 are the lengths of my 2 arms. L1 is 245.5mm and L2 is 160mm. Alpha is the first angle (the one of the base) and beta is the second angle attached to the first arm.
When I programmed an Arduino and tried my math, I just got inconsistent results. The points were just completely off. Even linear motion along one axis didn't work. So I wrote a simple python script with the exact same math, where I keep x or y constant and increase the other one in small increments. Then I plotted a graph of the alpha and beta angle which were calculated. I would expect them to increase or decrease linearly (approximately like the dashed lines). But instead I get these results:
I am using the standard formulas which can be found all over the internet (Source to original), but clearly they don't work. Here are they:
$\beta = cos^{-1}(\frac{x^2+y^2-L_{1}^2-L_{2}^2}{2*L_{1}*L_2})$
$\alpha = tan^{-1}(\frac{y}{x})-tan^{-1}(\frac{L_2sin(\beta)}{L_1+L_2cos(\beta)})$
Also here is my Python code with which I do the calculations:
import math
L1 = 245.5
L2 = 160
x = 100
y = 70
def calc_IK_beta(x, y):
beta = (x * x + y * y - L1 * L1 - L2 * L2) / (2 * L1 * L2)
beta = math.acos(beta)
beta_d = beta * 180 / math.pi
if x < 0 and y > 0:
beta_d = -beta_d
elif x < 0 and y < 0:
beta_d = -180 - beta_d
elif x > 0 and y < 0:
beta_d = -beta_d
return beta #in radians
def calc_IK_alpha(x, y):
beta = calc_IK_beta(x, y)
alpha = math.atan2(y, x) - math.atan2(L2 * math.sin(beta), L1 + L2 * math.cos(beta))
alpha_d = alpha * 180 / math.pi
if x < 0 and y > 0:
alpha_d = -alpha_d
elif x < 0 and y < 0:
alpha_d = -180 - alpha_d
elif x > 0 and y < 0:
alpha_d = 180 - alpha_d
return alpha #in radians
When I programmed an Arduino and tried my math, I just got inconsistent results. The points were just completely off. Even linear motion along one axis didn't work. So I wrote a simple python script with the exact same math, where I keep x or y constant and increase the other one in small increments. Then I plotted a graph of the alpha and beta angle which were calculated. I would expect them to increase or decrease linearly (approximately like the dashed lines).
Your first formula (for beta) is correct ... but note that there are two angles beta that satisfy it. I don't know whether your second formula (for alpha) is correct, but note that inverting the tan function is open to errors from choosing the wrong solution in (-180,180] (or any other 360 degree angle range). I came up with a different expression for alpha (given in the code below).
In the code below:
there are TWO pairs of solutions for (alpha, beta) for each (x,y), as there must be (draw the sides that complete the "kite" shape);
I'm open to someone pointing out bugs, but I've tried to "back-check" by recomputing (x,y) from each of the two angle pairs.
from math import pi, cos, sin, acos, atan2
RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0 / pi
def angles_to_xy( L1, L2, alpha, beta ):
x = L1 * cos( alpha ) + L2 * cos( alpha - beta )
y = L1 * sin( alpha ) + L2 * sin( alpha - beta )
return x, y
def xy_to_angles( L1, L2, x, y ): # WARNING: there are TWO pairs of angles that satisfy this
cosbeta = ( x ** 2 + y ** 2 - L1 ** 2 - L2 ** 2 ) / ( 2.0 * L1 * L2 )
beta1 = acos( cosbeta )
beta2 = -beta1
A, B = L1 + L2 * cosbeta, L2 * sin( beta1 )
alpha1 = atan2( y * A + x * B, x * A - y * B )
alpha2 = atan2( y * A - x * B, x * A + y * B )
return alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2
def checker( L1, L2, x, y ):
alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2 = xy_to_angles( L1, L2, x, y )
alpha1_deg, beta1_deg = alpha1 * RAD_TO_DEG, beta1 * RAD_TO_DEG
alpha2_deg, beta2_deg = alpha2 * RAD_TO_DEG, beta2 * RAD_TO_DEG
print( "alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2 (degs)= ", ( 4 * "{:7.2f} " ).format( alpha1_deg, beta1_deg, alpha2_deg, beta2_deg ) )
X1, Y1 = angles_to_xy( L1, L2, alpha1, beta1 )
X2, Y2 = angles_to_xy( L1, L2, alpha2, beta2 )
print( "Back-check X, Y (twice) = ", ( 4 * "{:7.2f} " ).format( X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ) )
print( "----------" )
L1, L2 = 245.5, 160.0
x, y = 100.0, 70.0; checker( L1, L2, x, y )
x, y = 113.0, 359.0; checker( L1, L2, x, y )
alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2 (degs)= 69.19 154.61 0.79 -154.61
Back-check X, Y (twice) = 100.00 70.00 100.00 70.00
alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2 (degs)= 89.95 44.76 55.11 -44.76
Back-check X, Y (twice) = 113.00 359.00 113.00 359.00