
Why BasicComboBoxRenderer sets the text two times if the text does not exist or is empty with getPreferredSize()?

While working on something related on using this class, i found this piece of code:

public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
    Dimension size;
    if (this.getText() == null || this.getText().isEmpty()) {
         setText( " " );
         size = super.getPreferredSize();
         setText( "" );
     else {
         size = super.getPreferredSize();
    return size;

I do understand that this class is a JLabel and can use labels for rendering. But why is being initialized (in case is not) during this getter? Wouldn't make more sense on just doing it on the constructor?


  • By reading the source code

    you can see a comment explaining such behavior:

      76:   /**
      77:    * Returns preferredSize of the renderer
      78:    * 
      79:    * @return preferredSize of the renderer
      80:    */
      81:   public Dimension getPreferredSize()
      82:   {
      83:     if (this.getText() != null && ! this.getText().equals(""))
      84:       return super.getPreferredSize();
      85:     else
      86:       {
      87:         // If the combo box option's text is empty or null, it won't size
      88:         // properly (ie, it'll be way too short)... so we throw in a dummy
      89:         // space to trick the superclass's sizing methods.
      90:         String oldText = this.getText();
      91:         this.setText(" ");
      92:         Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize();
      93:         this.setText(oldText);
      94:         return d;
      95:       }
      96:   }