I want to send binary data via SPI, so I structured my code as constants of binary strings, representing various commands and registers on the SPI device.
RD = '01'
WR = '10'
MDR0 = '001'
MDR1 = '010'
so for example, if I want to write to MDR0 I add both strings and format them with a constant length:
msg = WR + MDR0
msg = int(msg, 2)
msg = [format(msg, '#010b')]
>> ['0b00010001']
My problem is, now msg
has a str
data not an int
so it can't be sent using spidev package.
The above code results in a string data type as well! How can I have this binary string as a binary integer where I might as well do binary operations on it?
Make integer bit masks. OR the bits to make IR register values:
import spidev
RD = 0b01 << 6 # bits 6-7
WR = 0b10 << 6
MDR0 = 0b001 << 3 # bits 3-5
MDR1 = 0b010 << 3
spi = spidev.SpiDev()
spi.open(bus, device)
msg = [WR | MDR0]