
coercing httr2 response to dataframe

I have a api call that yields a list of lists as the response. I would really like to see the response in the form of a dataframe, but cannot get that working by myself.

I wonder if anyone can help?

objectIds <- c(746, 3733, 2271, 2337, 3385, 3610, 2921, 1741, 1883, 885)
snes_url <- "https://services1.arcgis.com/gtRkYQyUQLMTM1uS/ArcGIS/rest/services/Species_of_National_Environmental_Significance_Distributions_(public_grids)/FeatureServer/0/query"

# here is the query, the actual number of objectIds I might require is arbitrary (though <2000)

full_query_params <- list(
  where = glue::glue("OBJECTID IN ({toString(objectIds[1:5])})"),
  outFields = "*",
  outSR = 4326,
  f = "json"

# set the request
dat_req <-request(snes_url)
# Add the query parameters using req_url_query
dat_req <- dat_req |> req_url_query(!!!full_query_params)
# Perform the request and get the response
my_response <- dat_req |> 
  req_perform() |>

bb <- my_response |> pluck('features') 
bb[[1]]$attributes  # these are the data I want in a dataframe, one row per objectID (or in this example, one row per bb list item, bb[[1]], bb[[22]], bb[[3]]), one column per field.

# this is one of the methods I have tried for creating a dataframe, but not got to work.
extracted_data <- my_response |>
  pluck('features') |> 
  map_dfr( # iterates over each list and binds rows to a tibble
    \(x) {
        OBJECTID = x |> pluck('OBJECTID'),
        SCIENTIFIC_NAME = x |> pluck('SCIENTIFIC_NAME  '),
        VERNACULAR_NAME = x |> pluck('VERNACULAR_NAME'),
        TAXON_GROUP = x |> pluck('TAXON_GROUP')

I was more or less following this guide: https://albert-rapp.de/posts/web_dev/07_httr2_ultimate_guide/07_httr2


  • Don't parse geojson/json to list. Rather use it as an object. Below an example with {jsonlite}

    objectIds <- c(746, 3733, 2271, 2337, 3385, 3610, 2921, 1741, 1883, 885)
    snes_url <- "https://services1.arcgis.com/gtRkYQyUQLMTM1uS/ArcGIS/rest/services/Species_of_National_Environmental_Significance_Distributions_(public_grids)/FeatureServer/0/query"
    # here is the query, the actual number of objectIds I might require is arbitrary (though <2000)
    full_query_params <- list(
      where = glue::glue("OBJECTID IN ({toString(objectIds[1:5])})"),
      outFields = "*",
      outSR = 4326,
      f = "json"
    # set the request
    dat_req <-httr2::request(snes_url)
    # Add the query parameters using req_url_query
    dat_req <- dat_req |> httr2::req_url_query(!!!full_query_params)
    # Perform the request and get the response
    my_response <- dat_req |> 
      httr2::req_perform() |>
      httr2::resp_body_string() |>
    my_response$features$attributes |>
    #> 1      746           15459        15459           Pterostylis cucullata
    #> 2     2271            1014         1014               Phaethon lepturus
    #> 3     2337           26011        26011 Lichenostomus melanops cassidix
    #> 4     3385           65295        65295              Caladenia melanema
    #> 5     3733           68448        68448          Anoxypristis cuspidata
    #>                                            VERNACULAR_NAME
    #> 1                                          Leafy Greenhood
    #> 2                                  White-tailed Tropicbird
    #> 3 Helmeted Honeyeater, Yellow-tufted Honeyeater (Helmeted)
    #> 4                Ballerina Orchid, Ballerina Spider Orchid
    #> 5                       Narrow Sawfish, Knifetooth Sawfish
    #> 1            Vulnerable             <NA>   <NA>       NA             1
    #> 2                  <NA>        Migratory Listed       NA             2
    #> 3 Critically Endangered             <NA>   <NA>       NA             1
    #> 4 Critically Endangered             <NA>   <NA>       NA             1
    #> 5                  <NA>        Migratory   <NA>       NA             2
    #>                            PRESENCE_CATEGORY EXTRACT_DATE TAXON_GROUP
    #> 1       Species or species habitat may occur 1.707955e+12       flora
    #> 2 Species or species habitat likely to occur 1.707955e+12       birds
    #> 3       Species or species habitat may occur 1.707955e+12       birds
    #> 4       Species or species habitat may occur 1.707955e+12       flora
    #> 5 Species or species habitat likely to occur 1.707955e+12      fishes
    #> 1   Orchidaceae     Orchidales     Liliopsida Magnoliophyta       Plantae
    #> 2 Phaethontidae Pelecaniformes           Aves      Chordata      Animalia
    #> 3  Meliphagidae  Passeriformes           Aves      Chordata      Animalia
    #> 4   Orchidaceae     Orchidales     Liliopsida Magnoliophyta       Plantae
    #> 5     Pristidae     Rajiformes Chondrichthyes      Chordata      Animalia
    #>                 OTHER_IDS CELL_SIZE           REGIONS
    #> 1 36179,83014,83015,85883       0.1 NSW; TAS; VIC; SA
    #> 2                    <NA>      0.01 CI; ACI; CKI; CMA
    #> 3                    <NA>      0.01               VIC
    #> 4                    <NA>      0.01                WA
    #> 5                    <NA>      0.01       NT; QLD; WA
    #>                                                                                                                                                                                  ATTRIBUTION
    #> 1 Species of National Environmental Significance 10km Grids February 2024 : Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. Copyright: Commonwealth of Australia.
    #> 2  Species of National Environmental Significance 1km Grids February 2024 : Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. Copyright: Commonwealth of Australia.
    #> 3  Species of National Environmental Significance 1km Grids February 2024 : Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. Copyright: Commonwealth of Australia.
    #> 4  Species of National Environmental Significance 1km Grids February 2024 : Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. Copyright: Commonwealth of Australia.
    #> 5  Species of National Environmental Significance 1km Grids February 2024 : Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. Copyright: Commonwealth of Australia.
    #>                                                                        SPRAT_PROFILE
    #> 1 http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicspecies.pl?taxon_id=15459
    #> 2  http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicspecies.pl?taxon_id=1014
    #> 3 http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicspecies.pl?taxon_id=26011
    #> 4 http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicspecies.pl?taxon_id=65295
    #> 5 http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicspecies.pl?taxon_id=68448
    #>    SHAPE__Area SHAPE__Length
    #> 1 3.979351e+10    4774641.53
    #> 2 1.648691e+12   15936995.18
    #> 3 1.037232e+08      98139.79
    #> 4 3.040163e+09    1104915.68
    #> 5 5.942621e+11   51214296.25

    Created on 2024-03-18 with reprex v2.1.0