I'm using
I read that function caller
is deprecated since ES5(not sure ES5). So I can't use it in strict mode. I don't think disabling strict mode is good idea. Is there any good alternative functions or properties which can be used in strict mode
Here is a link that i read. There is no alternate in here.
Here is an error message when i try to use caller.
TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them
Thank you.
I try to see logs in strict mode. I'd like to see where did it called from. So i access function caller. But i saw an error message.
Seems not possible. But you can get a caller's name and if the caller is accessible from the callee's scope you can eval the caller. Not sure if that's ok to use in production.
Anyway if you need a caller, pass it as an argument to a callee.
If you need a caller for a logic (not debugging) that could be a symptom of using a bad design pattern.
'use strict';
function fnCaller(){
function fnCallee(){
function callerName(){
throw new Error;
return e.stack.split('\n')[3].match(/(?<=^\s*at\s*)\S+/)[0];