
Django Autocomplete Light: multiple selection from List (not Model)

I know how to use DAL (Django Autocomplete Light) to allow a single selection from a list, like in the tutorial:

        ['FR', 'France'],
        ['FJ', 'Fiji'],
        ['FI', 'Finland'],
        ['CH', 'Switzerland']

class CountryAutocompleteFromList(autocomplete.Select2ListView):
    def get_list(self):
        return CHOICE_LIST

class CountryForm(forms.ModelForm):
    country = autocomplete.Select2ListChoiceField(

However, I can't find any lead in the documentation or DAL source code to implement multiple selection, e.g. to allow users to pick 2 countries or more, in combination with django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField which I already use in my code.

Has anyone a working example I could learn from?


  • After a long period of trial and error, the following works.

    Say you want to ask a list of emails, optionally with some autocompletion, but also being able to create/add new ones on the fly

    class Select2ListCreateMultipleChoiceField(Select2ListCreateChoiceField, Select2Multiple):
        def to_python(self, value):
            if not value:
                return []
            elif not isinstance(value, list):
                return [value]
            return value
        def validate(self, value):
            # for create :
            super(ChoiceField, self).validate(value)
            # otherwise you could use :
            # for v in value:
            #     super().validate(v)
        def bound_data(self, data, initial):
            if self.disabled:
                return initial
            return data
    class ListSelect2Multiple(WidgetMixin, Select2WidgetMixin, forms.SelectMultiple):
        """Select widget for regular choices and Select2."""
    class EmailsForm(forms.Form):
        emails = Select2ListCreateMultipleChoiceField(
            help_text="Emails list",
                url='........ your view name for autocompletion .......',

    You can then use EmailsForm(request.POST).cleaned_data normally afterward and save it however you'd like.