
How to make text plural?

I want the text "Max Attendee" to be plural when CurrentContacts is not equal to 1. The code below is not working:

Text("^[Max Attendee \(currentContacts)](inflect: true)")

Expected results:

Max Attendees 0
Max Attendee 1
Max Attendees 2
Max Attendees 3


  • This is simply because this is not how people usually speak English, so the inflection engine behaves weirdly. See also this post on ELU.SE.

    When you want "Max Attendees" to come first, you should always use plural, and also add a colon in between. "Max Attendees: 1" is fine. "Max Attendee 1" is weird.

    It is when the noun comes after the number, do we inflect. "Max 1 Attendee", "Max 2 Attendees", etc.

    Compared the outputs of

    Text("^[Max Attendees \(n)](inflect: true)")


    Text("^[Max \(n) Attendees](inflect: true)")

    The former results in "Attendees" for every number, and the latter results in "Max Attendee" for 1, and "Max Attendees" for everything else.

    If you really want to put "Max Attendee" first and also inflect, add explicit localisation keys for the singular/plural forms in your string catalog. That is, use

    Text("Max Attendees \(i)")

    Right-click on the string catalog key, and click "Vary by plural". Then you can write whatever text you want in each case:

    enter image description here