
How to get the current text selection with Javascript on ANY part of the website?

I'd like to get the selected text from a website, but when I use document.getSelection it does not work for selections inside textareas and to get the selection from a text area I would need to know which textarea has the selection to use the textarea functions. Is there a simple methods for getting the current selection or do I need to iterate over all elements to test if they contain selected text?


  • Selection of text in general document content and in user input elements are mutually exclusive.

    Putting all of this together I would start with a function similar to that below - it returns null if the page if the not in focus or an INPUT element that doesn't support selection is in focus. Otherwise it returns one of two types of object: either a selection object or a custom object containing details of user input with a type property set to "UIText".

    function getCurrentSelection() {
      let selection;
      const active = document.activeElement;
      if(!active) return null;
      let tagName = active.tagName;
      if( tagName == "INPUT" || tagName == "TEXTAREA") {
        const {selectionStart, selectionEnd} = active;
        selection = selectionStart === null ? null : {
         type: "UIText",
         element: active,
         tag: tagName,
         text: active.value.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd)
       else {
          selection = document.getSelection()
       return selection;