I am trying to render an HTML table in R Quarto of with a header that contains special characters. I can render the table correctly correctly by specifying the characters in HTML and passing escape=FALSE
to knitr::kable()
. However, the column width in the final column is based upon the width of the raw characters, not the number final rendered characters.
For example, the following code
#| eval: true
dof <- c(1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000, 10000)
df <- crossing(df1 = dof, df2 = dof) |>
mutate(fval = qf(0.05, df1, df2, lower.tail=FALSE)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from=df2, values_from=fval)
knitr::kable(df, digits = 2, escape=FALSE,
col.names=c("ν<sub>1</sub> / ν<sub>2</sub>", tail(colnames(df),-1)))
renders as
with an unnecessarily large column one width, because the column width is determined by the number of raw characters ν<sub>1</sub> / ν<sub>2</sub>
and not the number of rendered characters ν1 / ν2:
Is there a way to get the HTML column widths to automatically-resize to the rendered content?
You could try out reactable
format: html
dof <- c(1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000, 10000)
df <- crossing(df1 = dof, df2 = dof) |>
mutate(fval = qf(0.05, df1, df2, lower.tail=FALSE)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from=df2, values_from=fval)
defaultColDef = reactable::colDef(
format = reactable::colFormat(digits = 1),
align = "center",
minWidth = 70,
headerStyle = list(background = "#f7f7f8")
columns = list(
df1 = reactable::colDef(name = "ν<sub>1</sub> / ν<sub>2</sub>", html = TRUE)