I am using Typst, and I am working on a very simple Polylux theme. Below my actual code (saved in a file named sorbonne-slides.typ
#import "@preview/polylux:0.3.1": *
// Color definitions
#let sorbonne-blue = rgb("#1D2769")
#let sorbonne-red = rgb("#AC182E")
#let sorbonne-lightblue = rgb("#52B5E5")
#let sorbonne-yellow = rgb("#FFB700")
#let sorbonne-text = rgb("#263068")
// Primary background color
#let primary-color = state("faculty-color", none)
#let sorbonne-theme(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
fontsize: 3em,
faculty: none,
body) = {
set page(
paper: "presentation-" + aspect-ratio,
set text(font: "Fira Sans", size: fontsize, fill: sorbonne-text)
// update primary color according to variable 'faculty'
if faculty == "sante" {
} else if faculty == "sciences" {
} else if faculty == "lettres" {
} else {
// title-slide
#let title-slide(
title: [],
subtitle: [],
author: [],
date: [],
location: []
) = {
// background of the title slide
let background = context primary-color.get()
set page (
fill: background,
set text(
fill: white,
size: 35pt
columns: auto,
rows: (0.60fr, 0.40fr),
row-gutter: 1em,
#strong(text(size: .7em, subtitle))
#text(size: .7em, author)
#text(size: .7em, location)
#text(size: .7em, date)
When I try to create a title slide using the following code:
#import "sorbonne-slides.typ": *
#show: sorbonne-theme.with(aspect-ratio: "16-9", faculty: "sante")
title: [A funny title],
subtitle: [A funny subtitle],
author: [A funny author],
date: [2024-03-18],
location: [A funny department],
I have the following error:
error: expected color, gradient, pattern, or none, found content
┌─ \\?\C:\Users\3121805\Dropbox\programmes\polylux templates\sorbonne-slides-typst\sorbonne-slides.typ:45:12
45 │ fill: background,
│ ^^^^^^^^^^
help: error occurred in this call of function `title-slide`
I really don’t understand where this error could be coming from, and why the ‘background’ variable doesn’t ultimately contain the color I’m trying to assign to it based on the value of the ‘faculty’ parameter. Does anyone have an idea of what the issue might be here?
context primary-color.get()
doesn't workcontext
will always return content:
#type(5) // "integer"
#type(context 5) // "content"
The trick is to perform all operations that need a context inside that context:
#let title-slide(..) = context {
// ^^^^^^^ This is the change
// ...
// Now that we're inside a context, this will work as expected
let background = primary-color.get()
// ...
With this change, the whole title-slide
gets access to the context which lets you use states as expected.
set page
operations need to clear the current page when they are applied. When you set
inside the context, a second set
is needed to revert everything back outside the scope. So after the context {...}
, the second set
to turn the color normal results in the new page.