I'm creating a simple TabBar
on visionOS
, using square.grid.2x2
which is supposed to be four bordered squares, but the OS keeps rendering them filled as in square.grid.2x2.fill
. Am I missing something or maybe this version of the icon is not available on visionOS
.tabItem {
Label("Browse", systemImage: "square.grid.2x2")
In visionOS, this is an under-the-hood behavior for rendering symbols/icons in the tabbar (I mean an automatic selection of filled symbols instead of outlined variants). I did not find this topic in visionOS HIG, however text explicitly states: Prefer filled symbols or icons for consistency with the platform
. It is possible that such a UI design will change in the future.
Nonetheless, you can disable automatic rendering of filled symbols using .environment(\.symbolVariants, .none)
TabView(selection: $model.selected) {
ForEach(ViewModel.SelectionType.allCases) { selType in
.tabItem {
Label(selType.title, systemImage: selType.image)
.environment(\.symbolVariants, .none)