I have done a classification using radial kernel svm of the e1071
package and tried to tune the cost and gamma parameters with the tune
Here an example code with the iris
data set:
data("iris", package = "datasets")
if (!require("e1071")) {install.packages("e1071")} else {library("e1071")}
Data <- list(Lab = as.character(iris[,5]),
Mat = prcomp(iris[,-5])$x[,1:2])
Data$svm.tune <- tune(svm, train.x = Data$Mat, train.y = as.factor(Data$Lab),
ranges = list(cost = c(10**(-3:3)),
gamma = c(10**(-3:3))),
type = "C-classification", kernel = "radial", scale = FALSE,
tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling = "cross", cross = 5))
Data$svm.tune$Mat <- Data$svm.tune$performances[,-ncol(Data$svm.tune$performances)]
Data$svm.tune$Mat_2 <- xtabs(error~., data = Data$svm.tune$Mat)
par(pty = "m",
mar = c(2,2,1,1),
mgp = c(1,0,0),
tck = -0.01,
cex.axis = 0.75,
font.main = 1)
image(x = log10(as.double(rownames(Data$svm.tune$Mat_2))),
y = log10(as.double(colnames(Data$svm.tune$Mat_2))),
z = Data$svm.tune$Mat_2,
col = viridis::inferno(50),
xlab = expression(log[10](c)),
ylab = expression(log[10](gamma)))
pch = 19,
col = "white")
resulting in the following graph:
I marked the 'best' parameter combination with a white dot.
Is there a way to visualize the optimization path of a grid search, like this question (but without animation)?
Not exactly the result I was looking for, but in case someone else has done a grid search and want to vizualise the path of the minima, you can calculate the minima of your error parameter for each grid parameter.
First, I calculated the value and the index of the respective minima:
min.val <- sapply(unique(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"cost"]), function(i) min(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"error"][Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"cost"] == i]))
min.idx <- sapply(unique(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"cost"]), function(i) which.min(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"error"][Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"cost"] == i]))
Then, I sorted the indices according to the minima values and vizualise the path with arrows:
par(pty = "m",
mar = c(2,2,1,1),
mgp = c(1,0,0),
tck = -0.01,
cex.axis = 0.75,
font.main = 1)
image(x = log10(as.double(rownames(Data$svm.tune$Mat_2))),
y = log10(as.double(colnames(Data$svm.tune$Mat_2))),
z = Data$svm.tune$Mat_2,
col = viridis::inferno(50),
xlab = expression(log[10](C)),
ylab = expression(log[10](gamma)))
for(i in seq_len(length(min.val) - 1))
arrows(log10(unique(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"cost"]))[order(min.val, decreasing = TRUE)][i],
log10(unique(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"gamma"]))[min.idx[order(min.val, decreasing = TRUE)]][i],
log10(unique(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"cost"]))[order(min.val, decreasing = TRUE)][i + 1],
log10(unique(Data$svm.tune$Mat[,"gamma"]))[min.idx[order(min.val, decreasing = TRUE)]][i + 1],
length = 0.05,
angle = 30,
code = 2,
lwd = 1.5,
col = "white")