I have properly linked libs in my CMake:
set(SAPNWRFC_LIB_FILES sapnwrfc.lib libsapucum.lib)
target_link_directories(appsap_rtf PRIVATE ${SAPNWRFC_LIB_DIR})
PRIVATE Qt6::Quick
qt_add_executable(appsap_rtf companyClient.cpp)
and then I tried a very basic example from SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "nwrfcsdk/include/sapnwrfc.h"
void errorHandling(RFC_RC rc, SAP_UC* description, RFC_ERROR_INFO* errorInfo, RFC_CONNECTION_HANDLE connection){
printfU(cU("%s: %d\n"), description, rc);
printfU(cU("%s: %s\n"), errorInfo->key, errorInfo->message);
// It's better to close the TCP/IP connection cleanly, than to just let the
// backend get a "Connection reset by peer" error...
if (connection != NULL) RfcCloseConnection(connection, errorInfo);
//usage: companyClient <hostname> <system Number> <client> <user> <language> <password>
int mainU(int argc, SAP_UC** argv){
SAP_UC message[221] = iU("");
RFC_BYTE buffer[1105];
unsigned utf8Len = 1105, resultLen;
FILE* outFile;
loginParams[0].name = cU("ashost"); loginParams[0].value = cU("****"); // hostname
loginParams[1].name = cU("sysnr"); loginParams[1].value = cU("**"); // system number
loginParams[2].name = cU("client"); loginParams[2].value = cU("***"); // client number
loginParams[3].name = cU("user"); loginParams[3].value = cU("*****"); // username
loginParams[4].name = cU("passwd"); loginParams[4].value = cU("*****"); // password
loginParams[5].name = cU("lang"); loginParams[5].value = cU("EN");
connection = RfcOpenConnection(loginParams, 6, &errorInfo);
if (connection == NULL) errorHandling(rc, cU("Error during logon"), &errorInfo, NULL);
bapiCompanyDesc = RfcGetFunctionDesc(connection, cU("BAPI_COMPANY_GETDETAIL"), &errorInfo);
if (bapiCompanyDesc == NULL) errorHandling(rc, cU("Error during metadata lookup"), &errorInfo, connection);
bapiCompany = RfcCreateFunction(bapiCompanyDesc, &errorInfo);
// Use a company ID that does not exit. 000007 should not exist in most systems.
RfcSetChars(bapiCompany, cU("COMPANYID"), cU("000007"), 6, &errorInfo);
rc = RfcInvoke(connection, bapiCompany, &errorInfo);
if (rc != RFC_OK) errorHandling(rc, cU("Error calling BAPI_COMPANY_GETDETAIL"), &errorInfo, connection);
RfcGetStructure(bapiCompany, cU("RETURN"), &returnStructure, &errorInfo);
RfcGetString(returnStructure, cU("MESSAGE"), message, 221, &resultLen, &errorInfo);
RfcDestroyFunction(bapiCompany, &errorInfo);
RfcCloseConnection(connection, NULL);
// On Windows you can use the following function from windows.h toconvert to UTF-8:
// utf8Len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, message, strlenU(message), buffer, 1105, NULL, NULL);
// It will have a slightly better performance than RfcSAPUCToUTF8().
// On 'system i' with Japanese double byte characters using the ASCII LIBSAPNRFC the
// message string does not contain UNICODE but JIS encoded data. The call to the
// following function does not make any sense in this case. Instead you can add an
// encoding to the header lilke this: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"Shift-JIS\"?>\n<message>",
// and fputs the message directly some lines below:
// fwrite(buffer, 1, utf8Len, outFile); ==> fputs((char*)message, outFile);
RfcSAPUCToUTF8(message, strlenU(message), buffer, &utf8Len, &resultLen, &errorInfo);
outFile = fopenU(cU("message.xml"), cU("w"));
if (!outFile) return 1;
fputs("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<message>", outFile);
fwrite(buffer, 1, utf8Len, outFile); // See comment above for system i
fputs("</message>", outFile);
// Now view the message.xml file in a standard browser that supports UTF-8, and you should
// be able to view the Japanese characters.
return 0;
and the app always debugs only:
Error during logon: 0
I'm 100% of the login data as I use them from other apps from same device (i.e. connecting Excel VBA to the SAP RFC directly without using this SDK connector).
The only difference is that other apps require the loginParameter
also system
(in the SAP SDK documentation it's as sysid
or r3name
or dest
; I tried all of them, but same result).
How to find out why my connection is being refused with no error description?
IF this helps anyone, there was no reply and nor esults because i didnt compile as SAPwithUNICODE. After I did in thr question here, I was able to either receive errors on whatever the program didnt like, or positive results