
How to group same factors in plotted bar chart

Trying to get the grouped factors to plot beside each other in clusters e.g. all 'lows' for each year together, all 'mediums' for each year together etc. and use legend to colour years. Dplyr grouping not grouping by Type as in group_by(Type) and group_by(Year) returns the same dataframe. What am I missing?

# create dataframe
year <- 2020
low <- 45
medium <- 52
high <- 98
df <- data.frame(year, low, medium, high)

year <- 2021
low <- 60
medium <- 83
high <- 80
df2 <- data.frame(year, low, medium, high)

year <- 2022
low <- 64
medium <- 34
high <- 20
df3 <- data.frame(year, low, medium, high)

year <- 2023
low <- 62
medium <- 47
high <- 58
df4 <- data.frame(year, low, medium, high)

test <- rbind(df, df2, df3, df4)
test <- test %>% pivot_longer(!year, names_to="Type", values_to = "total")


highchart() %>%

hc_chart(type = "column") %>%
  hc_add_series(name = "Type" , data = test$total , color ="green" )%>%
  hc_xAxis(categories = test$Type)%>% 
  hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "Type"))%>%
  hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "GWh"))%>%
  hc_title(text= "Types Year Comparison") %>% 
  hc_subtitle(text= "test") %>% 
  hc_caption(text= "Based on year 2007 population")%>% 
  hc_legend(enabled= FALSE)


  • Try Type as factors and year as character:

    # Original data
    test <- tibble::tribble(
      ~year,    ~Type, ~total,
      2020,    "low",     45,
      2020, "medium",     52,
      2020,   "high",     98,
      2021,    "low",     60,
      2021, "medium",     83,
      2021,   "high",     80,
      2022,    "low",     64,
      2022, "medium",     34,
      2022,   "high",     20,
      2023,    "low",     62,
      2023, "medium",     47,
      2023,   "high",     58)
    # Adjust type and year
    test <- mutate(test, Type = fct(Type), year = as.character(year)) 
    # The plot
    test %>% 
      hchart("column", hcaes(x = Type, y = total, group = year)) %>% 
      hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "GWh"))%>%
      hc_title(text= "Types Year Comparison") %>% 
      hc_subtitle(text= "test") %>% 
      hc_caption(text= "Based on year 2007 population")%>% 
      hc_legend(enabled= FALSE)

    The plot output: enter image description here

    Edit. Maybe consider hc_legend(enabled = TRUE):

    enter image description here