
Pdfium library : Get the comments on page

How to get comment made on pdf page using acrobat reader with pdfium. Got 2 annotations from FPDFPage_GetAnnot method like HIGHLIGHT,POPUP But not able to figure out the comments text.

        "rect": {
            "left": 69.9908,
            "top": 810.952,
            "right": 139.376,
            "bottom": 795.96
        "sub_type": "HIGHLIGHT",
        "objects": [
                "type": "FORM",
                "rect": {
                    "left": 0.4410019,
                    "top": 14.550964,
                    "right": 68.9445,
                    "bottom": 0.44110107
                "stroke_color": {
                    "r": 0,
                    "g": 0,
                    "b": 0,
                    "a": 29
                "fill_color": {
                    "r": 0,
                    "g": 0,
                    "b": 0,
                    "a": 29
                "stroke_width": 1,
        "rect": {
            "left": 532.14795,
            "top": 810.47205,
            "right": 716.73004,
            "bottom": 690.03503
        "sub_type": "POPUP",
        "color": {
            "r": 0,
            "g": 0,
            "b": 0,
            "a": 255
        "has_attachment_points": false,
        "flags": "NONE",

enter image description here

Tried with multiple functions from pdfium library.


  • @K J your answer was so much helpful to understand the underlying pdf obj and annotations. With respect to Pdfium library able extract all the comments and State.

    using Pdfium first got the linked Annotation, following is in go-lang.

    getLinkedAnnot, _ := instance.FPDFAnnot_GetLinkedAnnot(&requests.FPDFAnnot_GetLinkedAnnot{Annotation: annotation, Key: "Popup"})
     if getLinkedAnnot != nil {

    Then also getting the values of all key

    keys := []string{"Contents", "CreationDate", "Subj", "State", "RC", "T"}
        var params []*common.Param
        for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
            key := keys[i]
            hasKey, err := instance.FPDFAnnot_HasKey(&requests.FPDFAnnot_HasKey{Annotation: annotation, Key: key})
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            if hasKey.HasKey {
                var param = &common.Param{Key: key}
                valueType, err := instance.FPDFAnnot_GetValueType(&requests.FPDFAnnot_GetValueType{Annotation: annotation, Key: key})
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                param.Type = common.GetType(valueType.ValueType)
                if valueType.ValueType == enums.FPDF_OBJECT_TYPE_STRING {
                    value, err := instance.FPDFAnnot_GetStringValue(&requests.FPDFAnnot_GetStringValue{Annotation: annotation, Key: key})
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, err
                    param.Value = value.Value
                } else if valueType.ValueType == enums.FPDF_OBJECT_TYPE_NUMBER {
                    value, err := instance.FPDFAnnot_GetNumberValue(&requests.FPDFAnnot_GetNumberValue{Annotation: annotation, Key: key})
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, err
                    param.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", value.Value)
                params = append(params, param)

    which gives

    "params": [
                                "key": "Contents",
                                "type": "STRING",
                                "value": "Accepted set by omprakashseervi"
                                "key": "CreationDate",
                                "type": "STRING",
                                "value": "D:20240320170027+05'30'"
                                "key": "Subj",
                                "type": "STRING",
                                "value": "Sticky Note"
                                "key": "State",
                                "type": "STRING",
                                "value": "Accepted"
                                "key": "RC",
                                "type": "STRING",
                                "value": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><body xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:xfa=\"http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/\" xfa:APIVersion=\"Acrobat:23.8.0\" xfa:spec=\"2.0.2\" ><p>Accepted set by omprakashseervi</p></body>"
                                "key": "T",
                                "type": "STRING",
                                "value": "omprakashseervi"