
standard-version not counting features correctly

I'm using conventional-changelog's standard-version to manage semantic versioning and generate my in my application.

I've already made my first release, which means my app's version is greater than 1.0.0.

Let's suppose I have released version 1.0.3 and since then introduced 4 new features, indicated by commit messages like:

feat: feature 1
feat: feature 2
feat: feature 3
feat: feature 4

When running a new release:

npm run release

Shouldn't standard-version update my app's version from 1.0.3 to 1.4.0 since 4 new features have been introduced?

Instead, running npm run release yields 1.1.0. I can't understand why.


  • No. It bumps to the next minor version by one integer. The number of features doesn’t matter. Only thing that matters is that:

    1. You have added features
    2. No breaking changes
    3. Therefore bump minor version

    Your current minor version in 0. The next becomes 1. Patch version is reset to 0.