I'm using the Google GeoCodng API , I'm facing troubles trying to geocode addresses from Colombia,, for example 'Carrera 8 # 27 - 06, Santa Marta, MAD, CO', that address means ( Colombian notation) Street = Carrera 8 at 27 meters of Carrera 06... , The API results is a mid point of the City Santa Marta.
As an alternative, I want to ask for intersection of Carrera 8 and Carrera 06 ... but Are any way to ask for streets intersections in the Request?
something like Carrera 8 cross Carrera 06 ??
thanks, Any idea or suggestions would be great !!
If you can use a different API, this address format is supported much better by Place Autocomplete, with 2 caveats (details below). If you really need to use the Geocoding API, I suggest you report a bug about this.
Caveat 1: The desired address may be different than you think. At least, as far as these address are supported by Place Autocomplete and Google Maps:
Caveat 2: Results are often better when removing blank spaces around the #
and the numbers that follow it.
With Blank spaces (Carrera 8 # 27 - 06
): the result is "Carrera 8 #27" at 11.23607,-74.206259 (on the intersection).
description: "Carrera 8 #27, Comuna 1, Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia",
place_id: "EjlDYXJyZXJhIDggIzI3LCBDb211bmEgMSwgU2FudGEgTWFydGEsIE1hZ2RhbGVuYSwgQ29sb21iaWEiMBIuChQKEglV0F19d_X0jhHxdnkgSY57xBABKhQKEgkRED6oevX0jhHJKMXdmInqZg",
types: ["street_address","geocode"]
Without Blank spaces (Carrera 8 #27-06
) the result is "Carrera 8 #27-6" at 11.235968,-74.206502 (about 15 m. off the intersection).
description: "Carrera 8 #27-6, Comuna 1, Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia",
types: ["street_address","geocode"]
Make sure to URL-encode parameter values like input
, because otherwise #
breaks it:
description: "Carrera 8, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia",
place_id: "EipDYXJyZXJhIDgsIENhbGksIFZhbGxlIGRlbCBDYXVjYSwgQ29sb21iaWEiLiosChQKEgmTf2JVTaYwjhFZP3nFcTrX2BIUChIJESedtkOmMI4R--NFJ63l3jc",
types: ["route","geocode"]
The result is a route
(and not in Santa Marta) because the value of input
is truncated to only the characters before the #