I'm exploring the best practices for transferring data between pages in Flutter and find myself caught between two approaches: utilizing a Provider for centralized data management versus directly passing values to the next page. I'd like to gather insights into the advantages and disadvantages of each method, especially in terms of app architecture, maintainability, and performance implications.
I'm seeking advice from the Flutter community on which approach might be more suitable for different use cases and any best practices or patterns that have been effective in your experience. Thank you!
data management is very important. you have to understand the data flow between screen and modules.
my preference is like this:
bonus: when passing arguments, i make class to make things easier
class InvoiceResultViewArgs {
const InvoiceResultViewArgs({
required this.viewEnum,
required this.from,
required this.to,
final InvoiceViewEnum? viewEnum;
final DateTime? from;
final DateTime? to;
class InvoiceResultView extends StatefulHookConsumerWidget {
const InvoiceResultView({
required this.args,
static const String routeName = '/invoice_result_view';
final InvoiceResultViewArgs args;
ConsumerState<ConsumerStatefulWidget> createState() =>
somewhere on routes file:
if (settings.name == InvoiceResultView.routeName) {
if (settings.arguments is InvoiceResultViewArgs) {
InvoiceResultViewArgs args =
settings.arguments as InvoiceResultViewArgs;
return InvoiceResultView(args: args);
return const MissingArgumentView();
this will makes things a lot easier and clean also i use riverpod, makes it even cleaner
just makesure that you separate business logic and data..