This code aims to compute the rolling average of a signal for a range of window widths (i.e. how many points are averaged), and then calculate the sum of all pairwise differences between averages at each window width.
import numpy as np
testData = np.random.normal(0,1,10000)
windowWidths = np.arange(1,1000)
sliding_averages = []
diffs = []
for windowWidth in windowWidths:
# Rolling average using convolution
sliding_average = np.convolve(testData, np.ones(windowWidth) / windowWidth, mode='valid')
# All pairwise differences
pairwiseDiffs = (sliding_average[:,None] - sliding_average[None,:])
# Define mask to extract only one corner of difference matrix
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(pairwiseDiffs, dtype=bool), k=1)
pairwiseDiffs = pairwiseDiffs[mask]
pairwiseDiffsSqrd = pairwiseDiffs**2
This is aiming to be a component in reproducing the computation described in this section of a paper:
My question is whether there is a more efficient way to run this calculation.
I have tried vectorizing further and replacing convolution steps with other approaches, but am not confident in the result.
After I realised my mistake, this was the code I came up with. There are python libraries that achieve the same thing (e.g. AllanTools) but I wanted to make sure it was doing what I expected and develop my understanding.
def allanVariance(data):
windowWidths = np.arange(1,int(len(data)/2), 2) #Can reduce sampling rate to speed up.
diffs = []
for windowWidth in windowWidths:
# Rolling average at each window width
sliding_average = np.convolve(data, np.ones(windowWidth) / windowWidth, mode='valid')
consecDiffs = sliding_average[windowWidth:] - sliding_average[:-windowWidth]
consecDiffs = np.array(consecDiffs)
DiffsSqrd = consecDiffs**2
diffs = (np.array(diffs))
N = len(data)
# Allan variance calculation (as expressed in Gattinger et al. Optics Express, Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 5222-5254, among others)
allnVar = np.sqrt((1/(2*(N-(2*windowWidths)-1))) * diffs)
return allnVar