How would you update the coordinates based on teh date_recorded. For example, there is no observation for 6/27 but if I can assume both cars are driving in the same direction and rate as the last observation, how would I update to calculate distance using the lat/lng for the most recent date_recorded?
import pandas as pd
# Car 1
car1_data = {
'id': ['id0120169', 'id0386349', 'id1962532', 'id0335207', 'id0273508'],
'date_recorded': ['7/1/2016 9:05', '6/29/2016 22:26', '6/29/2016 2:47', '6/26/2016 22:29', '6/25/2016 19:19'],
'longitude': [-73.99017334, -73.97213745, -73.91963959, -73.98487091, -73.99116516],
'latitude': [40.75667953, 40.75746155, 40.80377579, 40.76160812, 40.75000763],
'rate': [50, 67, 43, 35, 46],
'direction': ['N', 'E', 'E', 'S', 'W']}
car1_df = pd.DataFrame(car1_data)
# Car 2
car2_data = {
'id': ['id2681896', 'id3308448', 'id2108525', 'id3952220', 'id2771348'],
'date_recorded': ['6/30/2016 23:59', '6/29/2016 19:33', '6/28/2016 20:50', '6/26/2016 21:07', '6/25/2016 18:46'],
'longitude': [-73.9881286621093, -73.9656295776367, -73.9716567993164, -73.9820938110351, -73.9761657714843],
'latitude': [40.7320289611816, 40.7527198791503, 40.7945442199707, 40.7694053649902, 40.7602424621582],
'rate': [81, 76, 59, 48, 55],
'direction': ['S', 'E', 'N', 'W', 'W']}
car2_df = pd.DataFrame(car2_data)
What you need to do is calculate the movement of each car based on its last observed direction and rate. If we assume both cars move in its last observed direction for 24 hours from its last observation before 6/27.
So given your data:
import pandas as pd
car1_data = {
'id': ['id0120169', 'id0386349', 'id1962532', 'id0335207', 'id0273508'],
'date_recorded': ['7/1/2016 9:05', '6/29/2016 22:26', '6/29/2016 2:47', '6/26/2016 22:29', '6/25/2016 19:19'],
'longitude': [-73.99017334, -73.97213745, -73.91963959, -73.98487091, -73.99116516],
'latitude': [40.75667953, 40.75746155, 40.80377579, 40.76160812, 40.75000763],
'rate': [50, 67, 43, 35, 46],
'direction': ['N', 'E', 'E', 'S', 'W']}
car1_df = pd.DataFrame(car1_data)
car2_data = {
'id': ['id2681896', 'id3308448', 'id2108525', 'id3952220', 'id2771348'],
'date_recorded': ['6/30/2016 23:59', '6/29/2016 19:33', '6/28/2016 20:50', '6/26/2016 21:07', '6/25/2016 18:46'],
'longitude': [-73.9881286621093, -73.9656295776367, -73.9716567993164, -73.9820938110351, -73.9761657714843],
'latitude': [40.7320289611816, 40.7527198791503, 40.7945442199707, 40.7694053649902, 40.7602424621582],
'rate': [81, 76, 59, 48, 55],
'direction': ['S', 'E', 'N', 'W', 'W']}
car2_df = pd.DataFrame(car2_data)
you should defined the following functions that update the position and predict the position relative the previous one:
def update_position(row, hours=24):
delta = row['rate'] * 0.001 * hours
if row['direction'] == 'N':
return row['latitude'] + delta, row['longitude']
elif row['direction'] == 'S':
return row['latitude'] - delta, row['longitude']
elif row['direction'] == 'E':
return row['latitude'], row['longitude'] + delta
elif row['direction'] == 'W':
return row['latitude'], row['longitude'] - delta
def preprocess_df(df):
df['date_recorded'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_recorded'])
df.sort_values('date_recorded', inplace=True)
def predict_positions(df, missing_date):
Predict positions for a given date assuming constant movement from the last recorded position.
df_before_missing = df[df['date_recorded'] < pd.to_datetime(missing_date)].copy()
if df_before_missing.empty:
return df
last_observation = df_before_missing.iloc[-1]
new_lat, new_long = update_position(last_observation)
new_row = pd.DataFrame([{
'id': last_observation['id'],
'date_recorded': pd.to_datetime(missing_date),
'longitude': new_long,
'latitude': new_lat,
'rate': last_observation['rate'],
'direction': last_observation['direction']
df_updated = pd.concat([df, new_row], ignore_index=True)
return df_updated
So, for the desired date:
missing_date = '6/27/2016'
car1_df_updated = predict_positions(car1_df, missing_date)
car2_df_updated = predict_positions(car2_df, missing_date)
you'll get for car1
id date_recorded longitude latitude rate direction
0 id0273508 2016-06-25 19:19:00 -73.991165 40.750008 46 W
1 id0335207 2016-06-26 22:29:00 -73.984871 40.761608 35 S
2 id1962532 2016-06-29 02:47:00 -73.919640 40.803776 43 E
3 id0386349 2016-06-29 22:26:00 -73.972137 40.757462 67 E
4 id0120169 2016-07-01 09:05:00 -73.990173 40.756680 50 N
5 id0335207 2016-06-27 00:00:00 -73.984871 39.921608 35 S
and for car 2
id date_recorded longitude latitude rate direction
0 id2771348 2016-06-25 18:46:00 -73.976166 40.760242 55 W
1 id3952220 2016-06-26 21:07:00 -73.982094 40.769405 48 W
2 id2108525 2016-06-28 20:50:00 -73.971657 40.794544 59 N
3 id3308448 2016-06-29 19:33:00 -73.965630 40.752720 76 E
4 id2681896 2016-06-30 23:59:00 -73.988129 40.732029 81 S
5 id3952220 2016-06-27 00:00:00 -75.134094 40.769405 48 W