
Dispatch metadata from WordPress DB query into a table with 4 columns

I have a variable (array) and is returning the following:

array(13) { 
    ["meta_id"]=> string(1) "2" 
    ["post_id"]=> string(4) "2112"
    ["provider"]=> string(12) "Abc news"
    ["scheme"]=> string(3) "morning"
    ["viewers"]=> string(9) "2000"
    ["min_time"]=> string(3) "5"
    ["max_time"]=> string(3) "100"
    ["bways"]=> string(2) "10"
    ["release_date"]=> string(10) "04-05-2021"
    ["type"]=> string(11) "Video"
    ["variance"]=> string(4) "4k"
    ["tech"]=> string(9) "JS, HTML5"
    ["game_id"]=> string(5) "17640" 

I get this data from the following query:

$meta = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare("
    SELECT * FROM ".$table_name." WHERE post_id = %d
", $post_id), ARRAY_A);

Currently, I am outputting the data in a table using something like:

$output .="<tr>";
$output .= sprintf('<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>', $attribute, $value);
$output .="</tr>";

and it is generating a table with 2 columns. I want to have a 4 columns instead like in the screenshot below:

enter image description here

Left column with a maximum of 5 rows and the remaining rows on the other column.


  • Based on this data array:

    $meta = [
        "meta_id" => "2",
        "post_id" => "2112", 
        "provider" => "Abc news", 
        "scheme" => "morning", 
        "viewers" => "2000", 
        "min_time" =>  "5", 
        "max_time" =>  "100", 
        "bways" =>  "10", 
        "release_date" => "04-05-2021", 
        "type" => "Video", 
        "variance" => "4k", 
        "tech" => "JS, HTML5", 
        "game_id" => "17640", 

    You can use the "Modulo" operator to get the data dispatched in a table with 4 columns like:

    $index = 0; // Initializing
    $count = count($meta);
    $output = '<table>
    // Loop through array keys / values
    foreach ( $meta as $attribute => $value ) {
        $output .= sprintf('<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>', $attribute, $value);
        $output .= $index % 2 === 0 && ($count - 1) === $index ? '<td></td><td></td>' : '';
        $output .= $index % 2 === 1 ? '</tr><tr>' : '';
    echo $output . '</tr>

    It should work as expected. you will get somethiing like:

    enter image description here