I have created a Round Robin Algorithm with C
. The output I get for 5 processes with the same arrival time is correct but incorrect for different arrival times. Below is an example,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef struct Process {
int burst_time;
int arrival_time;
int remaining_time;
double wait_time;
double turnaround_time;
double response_time;
} Process;
Process *processes;
// Function to check if input is a valid non-negative integer
int check_is_int(char input[10]) {
char *endptr;
int num = strtol(input, &endptr, 10);
if ((!isspace(*endptr) && *endptr != 0) || num < 0) {
return -1; // Return -1 for invalid input
return num; // Return the integer if input is valid
// Function to calculate the response time of each process
void calc_response_time(int i) {
int prev_process_cpu_time = processes[i - 1].burst_time - processes[i - 1].remaining_time;
processes[i].response_time = processes[i - 1].response_time + prev_process_cpu_time;
// Function to simulate the execution of a process by the CPU
void execute_process(int i, int time_slice, double *utilised_cpu_time, int *num_processes_completed, double *total_wait_time, double *total_turnaround_time, double *total_response_time) {
if (processes[i].remaining_time > time_slice) {
*utilised_cpu_time += time_slice;
processes[i].remaining_time -= time_slice;
} else if (processes[i].remaining_time <= time_slice) {
*utilised_cpu_time += processes[i].remaining_time;
processes[i].remaining_time = 0;
processes[i].turnaround_time = *utilised_cpu_time;
processes[i].wait_time = *utilised_cpu_time - processes[i].burst_time;
*total_wait_time += processes[i].wait_time;
*total_turnaround_time += processes[i].turnaround_time;
*total_response_time += processes[i].response_time;
// Function to print header for process timings
void print_header() {
printf("PROCESS\t\tBurst Times\t\tArrival Times\t\tWaiting Times\t\tTurnaround Times\t\tResponse Times\n");
// Function to print timings for an individual process
void print_process_timings(int i, int burst_time, int arrival_time, double wait_time, double turnaround_time, double response_time) {
printf("P%d\t\t\t%d\t\t\t\t%d\t\t\t\t%.0f\t\t\t\t%.0f\t\t\t\t%.0f\n", i + 1, burst_time, arrival_time, wait_time, turnaround_time, response_time);
int main(void) {
char input[12];
bool first_run = true;
int num_processes_completed = 0;
double utilised_cpu_time = 0;
double total_wait_time = 0;
double total_turnaround_time = 0;
double total_response_time = 0;
// Print introduction
printf("CPU scheduling method: Round Robin (RR)\n\n");
// Prompt user to enter the number of processes
printf("Enter the number of processes: ");
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
int num_processes = check_is_int(input); // Check if input is valid
if (num_processes == -1) { // Check if input is invalid
printf("Please input a valid non-negative integer!\n");
return 1;
processes = (Process *)malloc(num_processes * sizeof(Process)); // Allocate memory for processes
if (processes == NULL) { // Check if memory allocation failed
printf("Memory allocation failed!\n");
return 1;
// Input burst times and arrival times for each process
for (int i = 0; i < num_processes; i++) {
printf("Enter Burst Time for process %d: ", i + 1);
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
int burst_time = check_is_int(input); // Check if input is valid
printf("Enter Arrival Time for process %d: ", i + 1);
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
int arrival_time = check_is_int(input); // Check if input is valid
if (burst_time < 0 || arrival_time < 0) { // Check if input is invalid
printf("Please input valid non-negative integers!\n");
return 1;
} else {
// Initialize a new process instance
Process p;
p.response_time = 0;
p.arrival_time = arrival_time;
p.turnaround_time = 0;
p.wait_time = 0;
p.burst_time = burst_time;
p.remaining_time = burst_time;
processes[i] = p;
// Input the size of time slice
printf("Enter the size of time slice: ");
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
int time_slice = check_is_int(input); // Check if input is valid
if (time_slice == -1) { // Check if input is invalid
printf("Please input a valid non-negative integer!\n");
return 1;
print_header(); // Print header for process timings
// Execute processes and calculate timings
for (int i = 0; i < num_processes; i++) {
if (processes[i].remaining_time != 0) {
execute_process(i, time_slice, &utilised_cpu_time, &num_processes_completed, &total_wait_time, &total_turnaround_time, &total_response_time);
if (i > 0 && first_run) {
if (i == num_processes - 1) {
first_run = false;
if (i == num_processes - 1 && num_processes_completed < num_processes) {
i = -1; // Reset loop if there are outstanding processes
} else if (num_processes_completed == num_processes) {
break; // Exit loop if all processes are completed
// Print timings for each process
for (int i = 0; i < num_processes; i++) {
print_process_timings(i, processes[i].burst_time, processes[i].arrival_time, processes[i].wait_time, processes[i].turnaround_time, processes[i].response_time);
// Print average waiting time, turnaround time, and response time
printf("Average Waiting Time: %.1f\n", total_wait_time / (double)num_processes);
printf("Average Turnaround Time: %.1f\n", total_turnaround_time / (double)num_processes);
printf("Average Response Time: %.1f\n", total_response_time / (double)num_processes);
free(processes); // Free allocated memory for processes
return 0;
Output for Different Arrival Time
CPU scheduling method: Round Robin (RR)
Enter the number of processes: 5
Enter Burst Time for process 1: 45
Enter Arrival Time for process 1: 0
Enter Burst Time for process 2: 90
Enter Arrival Time for process 2: 5
Enter Burst Time for process 3: 70
Enter Arrival Time for process 3: 8
Enter Burst Time for process 4: 38
Enter Arrival Time for process 4: 15
Enter Burst Time for process 5: 55
Enter Arrival Time for process 5: 20
Enter the size of time slice: 10
PROCESS Burst Times Arrival Times Waiting Times Turnaround Times Response Times
P1 45 0 158 203 0
P2 90 5 208 298 10
P3 70 8 208 278 20
P4 38 15 150 188 30
P5 55 20 203 258 40
Average Waiting Time: 185.4
Average Turnaround Time: 245.0
Average Response Time: 20.0
However, according to https://process-scheduling-solver.boonsuen.com/, the average waiting time and average turnaround time are 173.2 and 232.8 respectively, which differs from my output. I've tried to tweak my code but am still unable to figure out why my average waiting time and average turnaround time. Please help to correct my code if there's any discrepancy. Thanks.
This is a bit screwy. I'm not sure I have a definitive answer for this.
The TL;DR is that I think the website may be off (more on that later).
However, there are issues with your code ...
had an arrival time of T50 instead of T15double
-- int
is fine.utilised_cpu_time
, total_turnaround_time
, etc). The code can be simplified by putting these in a struct
and just passing around a single pointer to the struct
instead of defining a pointer (e.g.) Process *p = &processes[i];
and then using p->whatever
.i = -1;
in the middle to start over. This a bit hacky. The clean(er) way is to have nested loops.Here is input to the website:
Here is the website's Gantt chart:
The issue: [I could be completely wrong about this, but] At time T30, process D is runnable (and so is E), so the sequence should start out with:
But, the gantt chart's sequence is:
In other words, the website did not think that D
was runnable.
So, maybe, the website's notion of "arrival time" is different (or it has a bug of some sort?).
Here is the website's final result
This doesn't match up too well with either the results of your program (or your program as restructured by me).
Based on all the issues I mentioned above, I had to restructure your code [quite] a bit.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct Process {
int pidx;
int arrival_time;
int burst_time;
int finish_time;
int remaining_time;
int wait_time;
int turnaround_time;
int response_time;
int first_run;
int pgive;
} Process;
Process *processes;
typedef struct {
int slice_numproc; // number of processes
int slice_quantum; // length of time slice
int slice_remainder; // remainder of current time slice
int slice_round; // slice round
int slice_clock; // current time (utilised_cpu_time)
int slice_start; // start time
int slice_pcur; // index of current process
int slice_completed; // number of completed processes
Process slice_ptot; // totals
} Slice;
void print_process_timings(Process *p,Slice *slice,int nlflg);
void print_header(const char *msg);
void prtint(int val);
void prtrnge(int v1,int v2);
void prtsep(const char *msg);
// Function to calculate the response time of each process
calc_response_time(Process *pold,Process *pcur)
int prev_process_cpu_time = pold->burst_time - pold->remaining_time;
pcur->response_time = pold->response_time + prev_process_cpu_time;
pcur->first_run = 0;
// Function to simulate the execution of a process by the CPU
#if 0
execute_process(int i, int time_slice, double *utilised_cpu_time, int *num_processes_completed, double *total_wait_time, double *total_turnaround_time, double *total_response_time)
if (processes[i].remaining_time > time_slice) {
*utilised_cpu_time += time_slice;
processes[i].remaining_time -= time_slice;
else if (processes[i].remaining_time <= time_slice) {
*utilised_cpu_time += processes[i].remaining_time;
processes[i].remaining_time = 0;
processes[i].turnaround_time = *utilised_cpu_time;
processes[i].wait_time = *utilised_cpu_time - processes[i].burst_time;
*total_wait_time += processes[i].wait_time;
*total_turnaround_time += processes[i].turnaround_time;
*total_response_time += processes[i].response_time;
execute_process(Process *p, Slice *slice)
int pgive = slice->slice_quantum;
if (pgive > p->remaining_time)
pgive = p->remaining_time;
int doneflg = (pgive >= p->remaining_time);
slice->slice_clock += pgive;
p->remaining_time -= pgive;
p->pgive = pgive;
if (doneflg) {
p->wait_time = slice->slice_clock - p->burst_time;
p->finish_time = slice->slice_clock;
p->turnaround_time = p->finish_time - p->arrival_time;
Process *ptot = &slice->slice_ptot;
ptot->wait_time += p->wait_time;
ptot->turnaround_time += p->turnaround_time;
ptot->response_time += p->response_time;
slice->slice_completed += 1;
// process_old -- Execute processes and calculate timings
process_old(Slice *slice)
int first_run = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < slice->slice_numproc; i++) {
Process *pcur = &processes[i];
#if 0
if (processes[i].remaining_time != 0) {
if (pcur->remaining_time != 0)
if (i > 0 && first_run) {
calc_response_time(pcur - 1,pcur);
if (i == slice->slice_numproc - 1) {
first_run = false;
if (i == slice->slice_numproc - 1 &&
slice->slice_completed < slice->slice_numproc) {
// Reset loop if there are outstanding processes
i = -1;
else if (slice->slice_completed == slice->slice_numproc) {
// Exit loop if all processes are completed
process_new(Slice *slice)
Process *pold = NULL;
#if 0
slice->slice_round = 0;
while (slice->slice_round < 100) {
Process *pcur = &processes[slice->slice_pcur];
do {
// process is done
if (pcur->remaining_time == 0)
slice->slice_start = slice->slice_clock;
// process not yet started
if (slice->slice_start < pcur->arrival_time)
if ((pold != NULL) && pcur->first_run)
pold = pcur;
if ((slice->slice_round % slice->slice_numproc) == 0)
} while (0);
// Exit loop if all processes are completed
if (slice->slice_completed >= slice->slice_numproc)
// try next in round robin
slice->slice_pcur += 1;
slice->slice_pcur %= slice->slice_numproc;
int getstr(char *buf,int buflen,const char *prompt);
long getnum_strtol(const char *prompt);
main(int argc,char **argv)
//char input[12];
#if 0
bool first_run = true;
int num_processes_completed = 0;
double utilised_cpu_time = 0;
double total_wait_time = 0;
double total_turnaround_time = 0;
double total_response_time = 0;
if (argc > 0) {
Slice slice = { 0 };
// Print introduction
printf("CPU scheduling method: Round Robin (RR)\n\n");
// Prompt user to enter the number of processes
slice.slice_numproc = getnum_strtol("Enter the number of processes");
if (slice.slice_numproc == -1) {
printf("Please input a valid non-negative integer!\n");
return 1;
// Allocate memory for processes
processes = calloc(slice.slice_numproc,sizeof(Process));
// Check if memory allocation failed
if (processes == NULL) {
printf("Memory allocation failed!\n");
return 1;
// Input burst times and arrival times for each process
char prompt[100];
for (int i = 0; i < slice.slice_numproc; i++) {
Process *p = &processes[i];
p->pidx = i;
sprintf(prompt,"Enter Burst Time for process %d", i + 1);
p->burst_time = getnum_strtol(prompt);
sprintf(prompt,"Enter Arrival Time for process %d", i + 1);
p->arrival_time = getnum_strtol(prompt);
// Check if input is invalid
if (p->burst_time < 0 || p->arrival_time < 0) {
printf("Please input valid non-negative integers!\n");
return 1;
p->response_time = 0;
p->turnaround_time = 0;
p->wait_time = 0;
p->remaining_time = p->burst_time;
p->first_run = 1;
#if 0
else {
// Initialize a new process instance
Process p;
p.response_time = 0;
p.arrival_time = arrival_time;
p.turnaround_time = 0;
p.wait_time = 0;
p.burst_time = burst_time;
p.remaining_time = burst_time;
processes[i] = p;
// Input the size of time slice
slice.slice_quantum = getnum_strtol("Enter the size of time slice");
// Check if input is invalid
if (slice.slice_quantum <= 0) {
printf("Please input a valid non-negative integer!\n");
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < slice.slice_numproc; i++) {
Process *p = &processes[i];
// Print timings for each process
// Print header for process timings
for (int i = 0; i < slice.slice_numproc; i++) {
Process *p = &processes[i];
// Print average waiting time, turnaround time, and response time
printf("Average Waiting Time: %.1f\n",
slice.slice_ptot.wait_time / (double) slice.slice_numproc);
printf("Average Turnaround Time: %.1f\n",
slice.slice_ptot.turnaround_time / (double) slice.slice_numproc);
printf("Average Response Time: %.1f\n",
slice.slice_ptot.response_time / (double) slice.slice_numproc);
// Free allocated memory for processes
return 0;
struct phdr {
const char *str;
int len;
int off;
void (*prt)(struct phdr *phdr,Process *p,Slice *slice);
prtround(struct phdr *phdr,Process *p,Slice *slice)
prtclock(struct phdr *phdr,Process *p,Slice *slice)
prtrnge(slice->slice_start,slice->slice_clock - 1);
#define OFFOF(_sym) \
((size_t) &((Process *) 0)->_sym)
#define PHDR2(_str,_sym) \
{ .str = _str, .off = OFFOF(_sym) }
#define PHDRX(_str,_fnc) \
{ .str = _str, .off = -1, .prt = _fnc }
struct phdr hdrlist[] = {
PHDR2("Arrival Time",arrival_time),
PHDR2("Burst Time",burst_time),
PHDR2("Finish Time",finish_time),
PHDR2("Turn Around",turnaround_time),
PHDR2("Wait Time",wait_time),
PHDR2("Resp Time",response_time),
PHDR2("Remain Time",remaining_time),
#if 1
PHDRX("Clock Range",prtclock),
#define countof(_arr) \
(sizeof(_arr) / sizeof(_arr[0]))
#define PHDRFOR \
struct phdr *phdr = &hdrlist[0]; \
phdr < &hdrlist[countof(hdrlist)]; \
const char *
phdrstr(struct phdr *phdr,int idxneed)
static char buf[100];
char *bp = buf;
const char *tok = NULL;
for (int idxcur = 0; ; ++idxcur) {
tok = strtok(bp," ");
if (tok == NULL)
bp = NULL;
if (idxcur == idxneed)
if (tok == NULL) {
buf[0] = 0;
tok = buf;
return tok;
pfill(struct phdr *phdr,int len)
for (; len < phdr->len; ++len)
fputc(' ',stdout);
printf(" ");
// Function to print header for process timings
print_header(const char *msg)
const char *str;
int iline;
static int count = 0;
if (count == 0) {
for (PHDRFOR) {
iline = 0;
phdr->len = 0;
while (1) {
str = phdrstr(phdr,iline++);
if (str[0] == 0)
if (iline > count)
count = iline;
int curlen = strlen(str);
if (curlen > phdr->len)
phdr->len = curlen;
if (msg != NULL)
for (iline = 0; iline < count; ++iline) {
for (PHDRFOR) {
str = phdrstr(phdr,iline);
int len = printf("%s",str);
int pidx;
prtint(int val)
struct phdr *phdr = &hdrlist[pidx++];
int len = printf("%d",val);
prtrnge(int v1,int v2)
struct phdr *phdr = &hdrlist[pidx++];
int len = printf("%d-%d",v1,v2);
prtsym(struct phdr *phdr,Process *p,Slice *slice)
void *vp = p;
vp += phdr->off;
int *valp = vp;
if (phdr->prt != NULL)
prtsep(const char *msg)
int len = strlen(msg);
int margin = 80 - len - 2;
margin /= 2;
int col = 0;
for (int wid = margin; wid > 0; --wid, ++col)
col += printf(" %s ",msg);
for (; col < 80; ++col)
// Function to print timings for an individual process
print_process_timings(Process *p, Slice *slice, int nlflg)
pidx = 0;
#if 0
prtint(i + 1);
prtrnge(p->remaining_time + p->pgive,p->remaining_time);
if (nlflg)
// getstr -- get a string with prompt
// RETURNS: length or (<0 -> error)
getstr(char *buf,int buflen,const char *prompt)
char *cp;
int ret = 0;
// decide if stdin is:
// (1) a TTY
// (2) a [redirected] file (e.g. invoked with ./myprogram < input)
static int echoflg = -1;
if (echoflg < 0) {
struct termios tio;
echoflg = (tcgetattr(fileno(stdin),&tio) < 0);
// NOTE: usage of the error codes in errno.h is arbitrary
while (ret <= 0) {
// ensure buffer has enough space
if (buflen < 2) {
ret = -ENOMEM;
// output prompt
printf("%s: ",prompt);
// get a line
cp = fgets(buf,buflen,stdin);
// EOF
if (cp == NULL) {
ret = -ENODATA;
// echo file input to simulate TTY input
if (echoflg)
// get buffer length
ret = strlen(buf);
// empty string
if (ret <= 0)
// point to last char
cp = &buf[ret - 1];
// ensure we got a newline -- if not, fgets had to chop the line (i.e.)
// the line is too long to fit in the buffer
if (*cp != '\n') {
ret = -ENOSPC;
// strip the newline -- we are done
*cp = 0;
return ret;
// getnum_strtol -- get number using strtol
getnum_strtol(const char *prompt)
int len;
int readflg = 1;
char *cp;
char buf[100];
long num = 0;
while (readflg) {
len = getstr(buf,sizeof(buf),prompt);
if (len < 0)
num = strtol(buf,&cp,10);
// ensure we got a least one digit
if (cp <= buf)
switch (*cp) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case 0:
readflg = 0;
printf("getnum_strtol: not a valid number -- buffer '%s', invalid '%s'\n",
return num;
// getnum_manual -- get number _not_ using strtol
getnum_manual(const char *prompt)
int len;
int readflg = 1;
int sign = 0;
int valid;
int chr;
char *cp;
char buf[100];
long num = 0;
while (readflg) {
len = getstr(buf,sizeof(buf),prompt);
// fatal error
if (len < 0)
// point to buffer start
cp = buf;
// find first non-whitespace character
valid = 0;
while (1) {
chr = *cp;
// end of string
if (chr == 0)
// found character
valid = ((chr != ' ') && (chr != '\t'));
if (valid)
if (!valid)
// reset the accumlated number and the sign
num = 0;
sign = 0;
valid = 0;
// loop through all characters in buffer
while (1) {
chr = *cp++;
// get the sign of the number (and skip an explicit sign)
if (sign == 0) {
switch (chr) {
case '+':
sign = 1;
chr = *cp++;
case '-':
sign = -1;
chr = *cp++;
sign = 1;
// stop decoding number on whitespace
switch (chr) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
chr = 0;
// check for clean end of number
if (chr == 0) {
if (valid) {
readflg = 0;
// not a valid digit
if (!isdigit((unsigned char) chr)) {
cp -= 1;
printf("getnum_manual: not a valid number -- buffer '%s', invalid '%s'\n",
// add digit to number
num *= 10;
chr -= '0';
num += chr;
// we got at least one valid digit
valid = 1;
// apply sign
num *= sign;
return num;
In the code above, I've used cpp
conditionals to denote old vs. new code:
#if 0
// old code
// new code
#if 1
// new code
Note: this can be cleaned up by running the file through unifdef -k
Here is the program input file I used:
Here is the program output:
CPU scheduling method: Round Robin (RR)
Enter the number of processes: 5
Enter Burst Time for process 1: 45
Enter Arrival Time for process 1: 0
Enter Burst Time for process 2: 90
Enter Arrival Time for process 2: 5
Enter Burst Time for process 3: 70
Enter Arrival Time for process 3: 8
Enter Burst Time for process 4: 38
Enter Arrival Time for process 4: 15
Enter Burst Time for process 5: 55
Enter Arrival Time for process 5: 20
Enter the size of time slice: 10
------------------------------ INITIAL CONDITIONS ------------------------------
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
0 0 45 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0--1
1 5 90 0 0 0 0 90 0 1 0--1
2 8 70 0 0 0 0 70 0 2 0--1
3 15 38 0 0 0 0 38 0 3 0--1
4 20 55 0 0 0 0 55 0 4 0--1
-------------------------------- HISTORY/GANTT ---------------------------------
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
0 0 45 0 0 0 0 35 10 0 0-9
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 80 10 1 10-19
2 8 70 0 0 0 20 60 10 2 20-29
3 15 38 0 0 0 30 28 10 3 30-39
4 20 55 0 0 0 40 45 10 4 40-49
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
0 0 45 0 0 0 50 25 10 5 50-59
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 70 10 6 60-69
2 8 70 0 0 0 20 50 10 7 70-79
3 15 38 0 0 0 30 18 10 8 80-89
4 20 55 0 0 0 40 35 10 9 90-99
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
0 0 45 0 0 0 50 15 10 10 100-109
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 60 10 11 110-119
2 8 70 0 0 0 20 40 10 12 120-129
3 15 38 0 0 0 30 8 10 13 130-139
4 20 55 0 0 0 40 25 10 14 140-149
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
0 0 45 0 0 0 50 5 10 15 150-159
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 50 10 16 160-169
2 8 70 0 0 0 20 30 10 17 170-179
3 15 38 188 173 150 30 0 8 18 180-187
4 20 55 0 0 0 40 15 10 19 188-197
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
0 0 45 203 203 158 50 0 5 20 198-202
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 40 10 21 203-212
2 8 70 0 0 0 20 20 10 22 213-222
4 20 55 0 0 0 40 5 10 23 223-232
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 30 10 24 233-242
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
2 8 70 0 0 0 20 10 10 25 243-252
4 20 55 258 238 203 40 0 5 26 253-257
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 20 10 27 258-267
2 8 70 278 270 208 20 0 10 28 268-277
1 5 90 0 0 0 10 10 10 29 278-287
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
1 5 90 298 293 208 10 0 10 30 288-297
------------------------------------ FINAL -------------------------------------
P(i) Arrival Burst Finish Turn Wait Resp Remain Give Round Clock
Time Time Time Around Time Time Time Range
0 0 45 203 203 158 50 0 5 31 288-297
1 5 90 298 293 208 10 0 10 32 288-297
2 8 70 278 270 208 20 0 10 33 288-297
3 15 38 188 173 150 30 0 8 34 288-297
4 20 55 258 238 203 40 0 5 35 288-297
0 0 0 0 1177 927 150 0 0 36 288-297
Average Waiting Time: 185.4
Average Turnaround Time: 235.4
Average Response Time: 30.0