I have tried lots of different variations of the same code trying to get the supabase client to get data from the route_cache table, using the fetch_route function and not.
drop function public.fetch_route;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fetch_route(destinationWKT text, sourceWKT text)
RETURNS SETOF route_cache AS $$
WHERE ST_Equals(source::geometry, ST_GeomFromText(sourceWKT, 4326)::geometry)
AND ST_Equals(destination::geometry, ST_GeomFromText(destinationWKT, 4326)::geometry);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
This is the function.
let sourceWKT = "POINT(\(source.longitude) \(source.latitude))"
let destinationWKT = "POINT(\(destination.longitude) \(destination.latitude))"
let data = RouteCacheResponse(sourceWKT: sourceWKT, destinationWKT: destinationWKT)
do {
let response = try await supabase.database.rpc("fetch_route", params: data).execute()
And this is my implementation in swift.
drop table route_cache;
create table
route_cache (
id uuid primary key,
source geography (point),
destination geography (point),
route geography (LINESTRING),
travelTime float,
created_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp
And this is my SQL query to create the table.
When I run the function in the supabase dashboard directly through an SQL query it works fine.
SELECT * FROM public.fetch_route(
'POINT(-73.935242 40.730610)', -- Example WKT for New York City
'POINT(-122.431297 37.773972)' -- Example WKT for San Francisco
Just not in Xcode, it gives off this error.
POINT(-2.5872552394866943 51.45983123779297)
POINT(-2.590308666229248 51.45743942260742)
Error fetching route: Could not find the function public.fetch_route(destinationWKT, sourceWKT) in the schema cache
Im confused, please help
I tried your code and if you change the RouteCacheResponse
struct definition to use lowercase field names, it works.
struct RouteCacheResponse: Codable {
let sourcewkt: String
let destinationwkt: String
That happens because when you create the function Postgres converts the arguments to lowercase.
So you have 2 ways to overcome this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fetch_route("destinationWKT" text, "sourceWKT" text)
Hope that clarifies it for you, let me know if you still have issues.