The sample source JSON object is defined as:
"source": "WIFI"
However, the value can be lowercase and when it does, I get following error.
Exception in thread "main" com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException:
Expected one of [WIFI, CELL, GPS] but was 'wifi' at path $.locations[1].source
There there known annotation or out of box solution to convert lowercase to upper case enum?
I am looking at the to see if that can be modified for this.
I was able to modify the EnumJsonAdapter to handle lower or upper case JSON coming from the response by some modification.
Here is snippet of it
// From fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): T?
if(useCaseInsensitiveName) {
val name = reader.nextString()
// Find if `name` is in the `nameStrings` array in case-insensitive manner
val itemIndex = nameStrings.indexOfFirst { it.equals(name, ignoreCase = true) }
if (itemIndex != -1) {
return constants[itemIndex]
return fallbackValue
} else {
return fallbackValue
That seems to work well from both ways UPPER_CASE
/ lower_case
\ MIXED_case
Here is the modified file with the full change.
Usage after modification
fallbackValue = LocationRecordSource.UNKNOWN,
useCaseInsensitiveName = true,