
How to replace NAs in R which get mode from a group

For example I have some data

x y Owner H
1 2 A 1
2 5 A NA
2 2 A 5
2 5 A 4
2 5 B 4
2 5 C 3
3 3 C 6
3 3 C NA
3 3 D NA

I want to replace the Nans with the most common/mode when you group by (x,y,Owner) to get

x y Owner H
1 2 A 1
2 5 A 4
2 2 A 5
2 5 A 4
2 5 B 4
2 5 C 3
3 3 C 6
3 3 C 6
3 3 D NA

I tried this but I think its replacing everything when I only want to replace the Nas new_data <- my_data %>% group_by('Owner', 'x', 'y') %>% mutate(H=mean(H, na.rm=TRUE))

I've seen this: but it doesn't workhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/45741879/can-i-replace-nans-with-the-mode-of-a-column-in-a-grouped-data-frame

new_data <- my_data %>% group_by('Owner', 'x', 'y') %>% mutate(H=mean(H, na.rm=TRUE)

But this replaces all the values of H with the mean. Also sometimes there will be no rows which match ie the group will only have 1 row and that has an Na (or maybe that its more than one but they just have NAs), is there a way to just keep the NA?

(I want it to find all the rows which match theOwner, x and y of the row with the NA and take the mode of their H values)


  • Use the Mode function defined here and currently included in the gtools package

    df %>%
       group_by(Owner, x, y) %>%
       mutate(H = replace_na(H, gtools::stat_mode(H, ties = 'first')))
    # A tibble: 8 × 4
    # Groups:   Owner, x, y [6]
          x     y Owner     H
      <int> <int> <chr> <int>
    1     1     2 A         1
    2     2     5 A         4
    3     2     2 A         5
    4     2     5 A         4
    5     2     5 B         4
    6     2     5 C         3
    7     3     3 C         6
    8     3     3 C         6