I'm encountering an issue with Quarkus profiles not functioning as expected during test execution. Specifically, when running tests using the command mvn failsafe:integration-test -Pit -Dquarkus.profile=it, the application seems to be ignoring the properties specified in application-it.properties and instead using the properties from application.properties.
Here's a simplified version of my project structure:
|-- src
|-- main
|-- resources
|-- application.properties
|-- application-it.properties
|-- test
|-- java
|-- resources
|-- application-it.propertie
In my pom.xml, I have set up the failsafe plugin and profile as follows:
I'm using the command below to run the integration tests:
mvn failsafe:integration-test -Pit -Dquarkus.profile=it
Despite specifying the -Dquarkus.profile=it option and having the application-it.properties file in the appropriate location, it seems like the application is still picking up properties from application.properties during test execution.
What could be causing this behavior and how can I ensure that my tests use the properties specified in application-it.properties when running with the it profile? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I tried to define the profile properties in the file application.properties using the syntax %profile.property. However, the properties with different profiles were ignored.
You could try to read this section on quarkus docs. It says that
A profile aware file is only loaded if the unprofiled application.properties is also available in the same location and the file extension matches between the files. This is required to keep a consistent loading order and pair all the resources together.
So you might want to add application.properties
on the tests->resources folder and see if it might identify the properties.
Hope it helps 🤘