This was a common use in dynamic code:
@foreach(var myData in AsList(App.Data["Data"]))
foreach(var x in AsList(myData.Specifications as object).Where(a => a.toApp)) { ... }
But in typed data, this always results in one error or another.
@foreach(var myData in App.Data.GetAll<Data>();)
foreach(var x in myData.Specifications).Where(a => a.toApp)) { ... }
myData.Specifications is an entity field linking to the data type DataSpecs.
How can these entities data types be properly implemented in strong typed code?
Before RazorTyped, .Specifications would just return an object. Now you need to return either an ITypedItem or IEnumerable<ITypedItem>, since you named it plural, I'll assume the latter.
So instead try,
foreach(var x in myData.Children("Specifications")
.Where( ... )
But if its not 1:many, and 1:1 instead, here is an example that I hope makes sense.
You have a content-type named Project. A field in Project named Client is an Entity pointing to the content-type Clients. So each Project is for 1 Client. Now the Clients content-type has a field named Status (a string dropdown). So now I only want to show Projects for active clients.
To do this, my where looks like this:
.Where(p => p.Child("Client").String("Status") == "active")
If another example might help, I also wrote an article a few months back while 2sxc was v16+ but not yet evolved to the newer hotness of things like `.GetAll<Data>(). It shows data relationships and iterating through getting it working, and then using .Parents() to make handling a many:many relationship make sense, be readable, and easy to understand. Its a two part article; part one gets it working minimally, part two goes a lot further.