I'm using the pdf library to generate PDFs in my flutter app. And I have to convert the PDF pages to images for a feature. When I try to do that using the printing package, there are no margins on the page sides like in the PDF.
This is the code I use to convert the pages to PNGs:
var pageNo = 0;
await for (var page in Printing.raster(widget.pdf, dpi: 100)) {
final image = await page.toPng();
await File('/storage/emulated/0/Download/Invoice-${widget.invoiceNo}-page$pageNo.png')
This is the pageTheme I use to create the PDF:
margin: const pw.EdgeInsets.all(40),
theme: pw.ThemeData(defaultTextStyle: pw.TextStyle(font: font)),
pageFormat: PdfPageFormat.a4.copyWith(
marginRight: 40,
marginLeft: 40,
marginBottom: 40,
marginTop: 40,
buildBackground: (_) => pw.FullPage(
ignoreMargins: false,
child: pw.Container(color: PdfColors.white),
In your above code Set ignoreMargins: true
read more about FullPage and ignoreMargins
buildBackground: (_) => pw.FullPage(
ignoreMargins: true,
child: pw.Container(color: PdfColors.white),