
Python - Converting Date:Price list to new rows

I am trying to convert the following column into new rows:

Id Prices
001 ["March:59", "April:64", "May:62"]
002 ["Jan:55", ETC]


id date price
001 March 59
001 April 64
001 May 62
002 Jan 55

The date:price pairs aren't stored in a traditional dictionary format like the following solution:

Convert dictionary keys to rows and show all the values in single column using Pandas

I managed to get the key:value pairs into individual rows like:

Id Prices
001 March:59
001 April:64

And could split these into two columns using string manipulation but this feels inefficient instead of actually using the key:value pairs. Can anyone help please?


  • If you have valid lists, explode and split:

    df = pd.DataFrame({'Id': ['001', '002'],
                       'Prices':   [["March:59", "April:64", "May:62"], ["Jan:55"]]})
    out = df.explode('Prices')
    out[['date', 'price']] = out.pop('Prices').str.split(':', expand=True)

    If you have strings, str.extractall with a regex and join:

    df = pd.DataFrame({'Id': ['001', '002'],
                       'Prices':   ['["March:59", "April:64", "May:62"]', '["Jan:55"]']})
    out = (df.drop(columns='Prices') 


        Id   date price
    0  001  March    59
    0  001  April    64
    0  001    May    62
    1  002    Jan    55

    regex demo for the second approach.