google-cloud-platformgoogle-app-enginewebsocketgcloudktor Error Response: [13] default Cloud Build service account or user-specified service account does not have access to the bucket

I'm trying to deploy a Ktor server to google cloud app engine, but when I run ./gradlew appengineDeploy, I get the following error:

ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Failed to create cloud build: invalid bucket "[xxxxxxxxxxxx]"; default Cloud Build service account or user-specified service account does not have access to the bucket <eye3 title='/ArgoAdminNoCloudAudit.CreateBuild, INVALID_ARGUMENT'/> APPLICATION_ERROR;google.devtools.cloudbuild.v1/ArgoAdminNoCloudAudit.CreateBuild;invalid bucket "[xxxxxxxxxxxx]"; default Cloud Build service account or user-specified service account does not have access to the bucket;AppErrorCode=3;StartTimeMs=1711387952607;unknown;ResFormat=uncompressed;ServerTimeSec=0.782722356;LogBytes=256;Non-FailFast;EndUserCredsRequested;EffSecLevel=none;ReqFormat=uncompressed;ReqID=49272bf8591f5427;GlobalID=0;Server=[2002:a05:6f20:2d92:b0:190:a0f7:31dc]:4001.

Not sure if any other info would be relevant to solving this?

I tried going to the Cloud Build Settings page, and then enabling the 'App Engine Admin' service, but that didn't do anything. I also tried reauthenticating with gcloud auth login, and using a different account, but that didn't work.


  • I had a similar issue and I was told that it's a GCP outage. There is a suggested workaround that worked for me as well: enable the Compute Engine API for the project where app deploy is failing. I wonder if it helps you too.