I have tauri command on backend(tauri) that returns a string(light theme value from windows registry). I need to get it on frontend + listen if this string changes. I couldn't find needed functions in leptos or tauri docs. So I came up with this crutch on frontend:
let (is_light_theme, set_is_light_theme) = create_signal(String::new());
let is_light_theme_fn = move || {
spawn_local(async move {
let is_light_theme_fetch = invoke("is_light_theme", to_value("").unwrap())
loop {
let old_value = is_light_theme.get();
let new_value = invoke("is_light_theme", to_value("").unwrap())
if new_value != old_value {
// sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)).await; // breaks loop
tauri command on the backend:
fn is_light_theme() -> String {
let theme = helpers::is_light_theme();
format!("{}", theme)
in helpers:
pub fn is_light_theme() -> bool {
let val = CURRENT_USER
.expect("Failed to get registry key")
.expect("Failed to get registry value");
println!("{}", val);
val != 0
This runs somewhat okay but this loop is very process-intensive. I tried adding sleep from std:thread and tokio to loop, both of them are breaking it.
Maybe there's a better a way to listen for value changes in backend?
Backend -> Frontend
You can use Tauri events:
// in your setup routine or tauri command function, where you can have access to the app handle
app.emit_all("event-name", Payload { message: "Tauri is awesome!".into() }).unwrap();
And then listen to this event in the frontend:
import { emit, listen } from '@tauri-apps/api/event'
const unlisten = await listen('event-name', (event) => {
// event.payload is the payload object
========== OLD ANSWER =============
Frontend -> Backend
It's usually a bad idea to continuously poll data, I might be not fully understanding your use case, but here's how I would do it, if I needed to get theme from the frontend.
I'd use state management instead:
use std::sync::Mutex;
use tauri::State;
struct Theme {
theme: Mutex<String>,
fn main() {
.manage(Theme { theme: Mutex::new(String::from("default")) })
.expect("error while running tauri application");
fn update_theme(new_theme: String, state: State<Theme>) {
let mut theme = state.theme.lock().unwrap();
*theme = new_theme;