
remove object from complex object if specific value is null

can someone help me please with the next problem: I need to remove from payload objects based on the next condition: if some specific key is null, I need to remove the whole object, which contains this key and value from payload. example:


I was trying filterObject in various variations but no luck

let's say condition is: if "customfield_12000" == null, the whole object must be removed. expected output example: `



  • If I understand correctly you want to remove the item from the issues list if one specific key is null. Since in the example provided that key is in the fields object I am assuming the conditions are all similar.

    filterObject() is not appropriate because you are filtering items from an array, not key-values inside the object. filter() is the right function to filter items in an array.

    I used the update operator and created a function to encapsulate the filter() call. The dynamic selector lets us parametrize the keys used:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    fun removeIfNullField(a, fieldname, keyname)= 
            a filter ((item) -> !(item[fieldname][keyname] is Null ))
    payload update {
        case issues at .issues -> removeIfNullField(issues, "fields","customfield_12000")