
Looking for Regex pattern to return similar results to my current function

I have some pascal-cased text that I'm trying to split into separate tokens/words. For example, "Hello123AIIsCool" would become ["Hello", "123", "AI", "Is", "Cool"].

Some Conditions

I've tried a couple regex variations. The following two attempts got me pretty close to what I want, but not quite.

Version 0

import re

def extract_v0(string: str) -> list[str]:
    word_pattern = r"[A-Z][a-z]*"
    num_pattern = r"\d+"
    pattern = f"{word_pattern}|{num_pattern}"
    extracts: list[str] = re.findall(
        pattern=pattern, string=string
    return extracts

string = "Hello123AIIsCool"
['Hello', '123', 'A', 'I', 'Is', 'Cool']

Version 1

import re

def extract_v1(string: str) -> list[str]:
    word_pattern = r"[A-Z][a-z]+"
    num_pattern = r"\d+"
    upper_pattern = r"[A-Z][^a-z]*"
    pattern = f"{word_pattern}|{num_pattern}|{upper_pattern}"
    extracts: list[str] = re.findall(
        pattern=pattern, string=string
    return extracts

string = "Hello123AIIsCool"
['Hello', '123', 'AII', 'Cool']

Best Option So Far

This uses a combination of regex and looping. It works, but is this the best solution? Or is there some fancy regex that can do it?

import re

def extract_v2(string: str) -> list[str]:
    word_pattern = r"[A-Z][a-z]+"
    num_pattern = r"\d+"
    upper_pattern = r"[A-Z][A-Z]*"
    groups = []
    for pattern in [word_pattern, num_pattern, upper_pattern]:
        while string.strip():
            group =, string=string)
            if group is not None:
                string = string[:group.start()] + " " + string[group.end():]
    ordered = sorted(groups, key=lambda g: g.start())
    return [ for grp in ordered]

string = "Hello123AIIsCool"
['Hello', '123', 'AI', 'Is', 'Cool']


  • Based on your Version 1:

    import re
    def extract_v1(string: str) -> list[str]:
        word_pattern = r"[A-Z][a-z]+"
        num_pattern = r"\d+"
        upper_pattern = r"[A-Z]+(?![a-z])"  # Fixed
        pattern = f"{word_pattern}|{num_pattern}|{upper_pattern}"
        extracts: list[str] = re.findall(
            pattern=pattern, string=string
        return extracts
    string = "Hello123AIIsCool"


    ['Hello', '123', 'AI', 'Is', 'Cool']

    The fixed upper_pattern will match as many uppercased letters as possible, and will stop one before a lowercased letter if it exists.