
ios custom webview default BaseUrl path

i have this custom web-view as follow in : MainPage.xaml

Source="{Binding Source}"
WidthRequest="512" />

and the custoum webview code is:


 public class SourceChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
     public WebViewSource Source
         private set;

     public SourceChangedEventArgs(WebViewSource source)
         Source = source;

 public class JavaScriptActionEventArgs : EventArgs
     public string Payload { get; private set; }

     public JavaScriptActionEventArgs(string payload)
         Payload = payload;

 public interface IHybridWebView : IView
     event EventHandler<SourceChangedEventArgs> SourceChanged;
     event EventHandler<JavaScriptActionEventArgs> JavaScriptAction;
     event EventHandler<EvaluateJavaScriptAsyncRequest> RequestEvaluateJavaScript;

     void Refresh();

     Task EvaluateJavaScriptAsync(EvaluateJavaScriptAsyncRequest request);

     WebViewSource Source { get; set; }

     void Cleanup();

     void InvokeAction(string data);


 public class HybridWebView : View, IHybridWebView
     public event EventHandler<SourceChangedEventArgs> SourceChanged;
     public event EventHandler<JavaScriptActionEventArgs> JavaScriptAction;
     public event EventHandler<EvaluateJavaScriptAsyncRequest> RequestEvaluateJavaScript;

     public HybridWebView()


     public async Task EvaluateJavaScriptAsync(EvaluateJavaScriptAsyncRequest request)
         await Task.Run(() =>
             RequestEvaluateJavaScript?.Invoke(this, request);

     public void Refresh()
         if (Source == null) return;
         var s = Source;
         Source = null;
         Source = s;

     public WebViewSource Source
         get { return (WebViewSource)GetValue(SourceProperty); }
         set { SetValue(SourceProperty, value); }

     public static readonly BindableProperty SourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
       propertyName: "Source",
       returnType: typeof(WebViewSource),
       declaringType: typeof(HybridWebView),
       defaultValue: new UrlWebViewSource() { Url = "about:blank" },
       propertyChanged: OnSourceChanged);

     private static void OnSourceChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
         var view = bindable as HybridWebView;

         bindable.Dispatcher.Dispatch(() =>
             view.SourceChanged?.Invoke(view, new SourceChangedEventArgs(newValue as WebViewSource));


     public void Cleanup()
         JavaScriptAction = null;

     public void InvokeAction(string data)
         JavaScriptAction?.Invoke(this, new JavaScriptActionEventArgs(data));

and ios

using CoreGraphics;

using Foundation;

using Microsoft.Maui.Handlers; using Microsoft.Maui.Platform;

using WebKit;

using WebViewHostExample.Controls;

 namespace WebViewHostExample.Platforms.iOS.Renderers { 

public class HybridWebViewHandler : ViewHandler<IHybridWebView, WKWebView> { public static PropertyMapper<IHybridWebView, HybridWebViewHandler> HybridWebViewMapper = new PropertyMapper<IHybridWebView, HybridWebViewHandler>(ViewHandler.ViewMapper);

const string JavaScriptFunction = "function invokeCSharpAction(data){window.webkit.messageHandlers.invokeAction.postMessage(data);}";

    private WKUserContentController userController;
    private JSBridge jsBridgeHandler;
    static SynchronizationContext sync;

    public HybridWebViewHandler() : base(HybridWebViewMapper)
        sync = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    private void VirtualView_SourceChanged(object sender, SourceChangedEventArgs e)
        LoadSource(e.Source, PlatformView);

    protected override WKWebView CreatePlatformView()
        sync = sync ?? SynchronizationContext.Current;
        jsBridgeHandler = new JSBridge(this);
        userController = new WKUserContentController();

        var script = new WKUserScript(new NSString(JavaScriptFunction), WKUserScriptInjectionTime.AtDocumentEnd, false);

        userController.AddScriptMessageHandler(jsBridgeHandler, "invokeAction");

        var config = new WKWebViewConfiguration { UserContentController = userController };
        var webView = new WKWebView(CGRect.Empty, config);

        return webView;            

    protected override void ConnectHandler(WKWebView platformView)

        if (VirtualView.Source != null)
            LoadSource(VirtualView.Source, PlatformView);

        VirtualView.SourceChanged += VirtualView_SourceChanged;
        VirtualView.RequestEvaluateJavaScript += VirtualView_RequestEvaluateJavaScript;

    private void VirtualView_RequestEvaluateJavaScript(object sender, EvaluateJavaScriptAsyncRequest e)
        sync.Post((o) =>
        }, null);

    protected override void DisconnectHandler(WKWebView platformView)

        VirtualView.SourceChanged -= VirtualView_SourceChanged;

        jsBridgeHandler = null;

    private static void LoadSource(WebViewSource source, WKWebView control)
        if (source is HtmlWebViewSource html)
            control.LoadHtmlString(html.Html, new NSUrl(html.BaseUrl ?? "http://localhost", true));

        else if (source is UrlWebViewSource url)
            control.LoadRequest(new NSUrlRequest(new NSUrl(url.Url)));



public class JSBridge : NSObject, IWKScriptMessageHandler
    readonly WeakReference<HybridWebViewHandler> hybridWebViewRenderer;

    internal JSBridge(HybridWebViewHandler hybridRenderer)
        hybridWebViewRenderer = new WeakReference<HybridWebViewHandler>(hybridRenderer);

    public void DidReceiveScriptMessage(WKUserContentController userContentController, WKScriptMessage message)
        HybridWebViewHandler hybridRenderer;

        if (hybridWebViewRenderer.TryGetTarget(out hybridRenderer))

if i use the code like this:

 MainPageViewModel vm;

 public MainPage()

     vm = new MainPageViewModel();
     MyWebView.BindingContext = vm;

     MyWebView.JavaScriptAction += MyWebView_JavaScriptAction;

  protected override void OnParentSet()
        vm.Source = new HtmlWebViewSource()

,            Html = htmlSource
             BaseUrl = "ios path i want????"


if i did this in android: and add the path: "file:///android_asset/" it will work on android web-view

  protected override void OnParentSet()
        vm.Source = new HtmlWebViewSource()

,            Html = htmlSource
             BaseUrl = "file:///android_asset/"


it will work but i want the same thing in ios ???

what is the default path that will go to "Resources/Raw/" in ios code of


  • if i did this in android: and add the path: "file:///android_asset/" it will work on android web-view.

    it will work but i want the same thing in ios ???

    Try this code:

    #elif __IOS__
                BaseUrl = Foundation.NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath; 

    For more details you can refer to this issue: Ios Local device component css failing to load #5245.