I looking-for solution to order/sort by relation (hasMany) fields, with max value of two columns.
I prepare starter kit: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/m371fzUJuQp9dX1yKm4yEm/3
MAX(COALESCE(`to`, 0)),
MAX(COALESCE(`from`, 0))
FROM salaries
GROUP BY `parent_id`;
The question is, how to display results from parents
table, with GREATEST(MAX, MAX) value from two fields, order of course from high to low in Laravel Eloquent ORM?
Expected results:
11 / jedenastka / 56
13 / trzynastka / 44
7 / siodemka / 23
12 / dwunastka / 14
10 / dyszka / 11
9 / dziewiatka. / 9
33 / trzydziestktrojka / 1
Maybe it will help someone, it will be useful:
$parents = ParentModel::leftJoin('salaries', 'parents.id', '=', 'salaries.parent_id')
->selectRaw('parents.id, parents.name, GREATEST(COALESCE(MAX(salaries.`to`), 0), COALESCE(MAX(salaries.`from`), 0)) as max_value')
->groupBy('parents.id', 'parents.name')