I have a problem with a java future and an handler function. code example:
public HealthCheckResponse call() {
String redisHost = this.configuration.getRedisHost();
log.info("connect to redis host: {}", redisHost);
Future<RedisConnection> redisConnectionFuture = Redis.createClient(Vertx.vertx(), redisHost).connect();
while (!redisConnectionFuture.isComplete()) {
log.debug("waiting for redis connection future complete: ({})", redisConnectionFuture.isComplete());
log.info("redis connection future completed, {} and succeded {}", redisConnectionFuture.isComplete(), redisConnectionFuture.succeeded());
if (redisConnectionFuture.isComplete() && redisConnectionFuture.succeeded()) {
return HealthCheckResponse.up("RedisCustomHealthCheck");
log.info("sending down RedisCustomHealthCheck");
return HealthCheckResponse.down("RedisCustomHealthCheck");
so my problem is that I have to check the redis connection. This is an async function so, I can set onSuccess and write my logic. there I can not return the HealtCheckResponse. Question, I don't want to wait with the while loop. What is a possible solution for this problem?
If you are not executing this on vertx event loop thread it is safe to use java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
Here is an quick example for your use case:
public HealthCheckResponse call() {
Future<RedisConnection> redisConnectionFuture = Redis.createClient(Vertx.vertx(), redisHost).connect();
CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
redisConnectionFuture.onComplete(x -> countDownLatch.countDown());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (redisConnectionFuture.succeeded()) {
return HealthCheckResponse.up("RedisCustomHealthCheck");
} else {
return HealthCheckResponse.down("RedisCustomHealthCheck");